Yanmar LX Rear Remote Kit Install

   / Yanmar LX Rear Remote Kit Install #1  


Platinum Member
Dec 19, 2010
Scarborough, ME
Yanmar LX4500, Toro z420
I finished the install of the rear remotes kit on my LX this weekend. I wanted to share the pics and experiences with others who may be interested in doing the same.

Here's the kit:

kit (Medium).jpg

Here's the documentation that came with the kit:
Yanmar_LX_remote_kit.pdf 5.5MB

Note, I did not follow the instructions verbatim. The operator seat, fuel tank, and fenders were not removed as its says to do in the intructions. I basically started on page 12 and ended on page 23. Overall the documentation was good, but the quality of the pictures were terrible and I think some of the steps needs updating.

The tools I used on the kit were:
C-Clip Pliers - for couplers
Large Crescent Wrench - for couplers and one larger line fitting.
Bench Vice - mostly for for pressing bushings into the lever handles
Sockets for 12mm, 10mm, 30mm, 15/16"
A cut down 7/8" 12 point wrench to make it usable as a line wrench for tight spots
A craftsman 7/8" line wrench
torque wrench
3/4" crow's foot - I used this for torquing the right-angle fittings to the couplers
1/2 inch breaker bar - for removing line banjo bolts and clutch housing plug
long 1/2 inch socket extension

Methods: All fittings were torqued to spec. All O-rings were lubed with hydraulic fluid, all lines were blown out first with compressed air. All fittings were left covered until the lines were installed. All lines were snugged down the best I could with the craftsman line wrench. All lines were checked for leaks, none found.
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   / Yanmar LX Rear Remote Kit Install
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First, you need to remove the rear-right tire. A pneumatic jack and shop crane made this easy. The tire is loaded with a water/methanol mix. My wife supervised any handling of the tire in case anything should have befallen the writer of this post.



   / Yanmar LX Rear Remote Kit Install
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Here is the general area under the fender where the kit will be installed:

   / Yanmar LX Rear Remote Kit Install
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The first steps in assembling the couplers was easy. The couplers are fastened to the backing plates with c-clips. I put them in a viced-crescent wrench when I torqued on the right-angle fittings. I've made a couple notes on the picture.

   / Yanmar LX Rear Remote Kit Install
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Next you torque the line-connector fittings onto the valves. The only part where I was confused was the lower fittings. The instructions reference a #18 connector and some other fitting. In the end, I used two #18 fittings. The two bottom fittings connect to larger lines than the 5 other fittings.

The handles and valve links weren't too difficult to assemble, but here are some better pictures.

I used a bench vise to press the four bushings into the bottom of the two levers.

Tip: attach the "valve stay assembly plate" after the levers are fully assembled else you're going to have a heck of a time inserting the cotter pins.



Last picture is mounting the valves under the fender. No issues here, lots of room.

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   / Yanmar LX Rear Remote Kit Install
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There is one line on the tractor to remove and discard. This line goes from the loader valve to the rear lift-arm housing under the fuel tank. You will be removing two banjo bolts, copper washers, and the line. Use a breaker bar with a long socket extension to get to the banjo bolt under the fuel tank. You will need to thread and torque line connectors into both of those open holes.




Install one line that goes from the rear remote valve to the front loader valve.

Install one hose (there is only one in the kit) goes from the rear remote valve to the lift arm housing.

It helps to unbolt the fuel filter and pump to wrench into that tight spot under the fuel tank. I was able to torque on the line connector pretty easy with the long extension and a 30mm socket. Tightening the line after was a bit more challenging. Here's where I cut up a 7/8" 12 point wrench to use as a line wrench. Make sure the hose necks are rotated away from the three-point lift lever and other fittings on the remote valve. I was able to do my final torquing with a proper 7/8" line wrench.
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   / Yanmar LX Rear Remote Kit Install
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You will need to remove a plug from the clutch housing, install a connector fitting in its place, and run a line to the rear remote valve. This is the line that runs just above the filter.


Note, you'll want to be quick and ready to install this line, here's where you'll bleed a bit of hydraulic fluid.
   / Yanmar LX Rear Remote Kit Install
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Attaching the four lines to the couplers was last and pretty easy. Tip: Identify each line according to the documentation and label them before starting. Also, loosen/tighten the bolts fastening the couplers to the tractor as necessary to attach the lines and torque them down. The documentation will tell you what order to go in when attaching the lines.

Overall I'm very pleased with the parts, everything fit where it was supposed to. I'd like to shake the hand of the man responsible for bending the tubing.



That's it. You're done.


Actually, No, you're not. Now go put that loaded tire back on. :D

And don't forget to top-off your hydraulic fluid before starting the tractor and testing for leaks!
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   / Yanmar LX Rear Remote Kit Install #9  
WOW ! Outstanding case of a picture being worth a thousand words ! Great post. Thanks !

One question, (not pertaining to the install which you covered 100%): How did you put the scrip on the photos ?
   / Yanmar LX Rear Remote Kit Install #10  
I own an EX450. I had front remote hydraulics installed by the dealer when purchased. Unfortunately he didn't use a factory kit, but cobbled up a system of his own. It is very nice, and works well. However the machine has always had problems with "float" on the FEL. I don't know if it has any relationship to the remote installation or not, since it's always been there. Yanmar America took the tractor to a different dealer (I had refused to deal further with the original dealer after he had stalled me for over a year on this problem), They said they changed the loader valve. I don't think so. What they did I don't know. Worked better for a couple of weeks after they brought it back, but now it's getting worse all the time.
I have a question. Does your loader work the same after installation. I know the LX has a much improved loader over the EX. I hope Yanmar worked the problems out before they designed the new loader.
I congratulate you on an excellent presentation of your install - very professional.
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