first time tractor

  1. Ricanrider

    Comparison  Buying my first sub compact tractor need help deciding.

    I bought a farm in Upstate NY, I have leased most of the acres to a nearby farmer, so I'm just looking to maintain the 5 acres around our house. The terrian is flat with some hills. I'm looking to use the tractor for mowing and plowing my driveway along with yardwork/ landscaping projects. The...
  2. R

    First time tractor

    Howdy, Long time lurker working toward purchasing my first tractor. Was hoping to get the advice of anyone here on the forum to make sure I'm not over-sizing the model I'm looking at. I've got 10 acres about 60% dense wooded, rocky, hilly and 40% cleared yard/fields. Main tasks would be...
  3. E

    Looking to buy my first tractor

    Hello, I am looking to purchase my first tractor. From my extensive research online and locally, most of my questions have been answered but I would to hear your guys opinions. What the tractor will be used for: 40 acres tillable (currently leasing 35 of this and using 5 for sod/garden but may...