Anyone ever do a memorial scholarship endowment?

   / Anyone ever do a memorial scholarship endowment? #31  
So a short note on how my daughter go a $1000 scholarship. I believe it was from a company called Aramark. They do the food service at the local schools. My daughter took a foods class her senior year. This wasn’t as much a cooking class as the proper way to handle and store foods safely. She took a test and got certified at the end of the class. It’s my understanding restaurants and such are suppose have this certified person on their staff. Taking this class earned my daughter a chance for the scholarship.

Now my daughter graduated from college in civil engineering, they didn’t really care what you went to college for. It was also a one shot deal, she only got it her first year, not every year. It was much appreciated too, both my kids graduated college with no debt.

My point of the post is you can tie it to a type of program. Say your dad farmed, an ag student might be a route to go. Also someone has to hand these out. Probably your local high school would do the best job but there is a chance of abuse or favoritism.