Do you ever get it all figured out or mostly figured out?

   / Do you ever get it all figured out or mostly figured out? #91  
Family members dropping by isn't an issue for me, only 2 sisters, we're not especially close and they both live a couple hours away. See them maybe 2-3 times a year. Don't really like people dropping by unannounced, but that seems to be the custom around here and I've gotten used to it.

I don't discuss politics with anyone. I really don't care who you voted for, life's too short to choose your friends based on which crooked politician's name you checked on election day, religion (or lack thereof), or anything else that's superficial. I only ask the same.
While I can be a bit of a hermit, likewise I wouldn't like living without friends around. Love my wife dearly, but it's not fair for either of us to be totally dependent on one another for companionship.
I like the visits that evolve around helping with a chore then relax afterwards, all without much talk. (y)
   / Do you ever get it all figured out or mostly figured out? #92  
Myself I'm living 3 miles from the house I grew up in. I was stationed in Tennessee, North Carolina, California in the states while I was in the Marines and of course a little Island off of South Carolina. Of those States I enjoyed Tennessee the most.
After that I lived in Idaho, Texas and Colorado and worked in all the Western States. Of all them Idaho was my favorite followed very closely by Texas.
From what I have heard and seen californicators have tried their best to ruin Idaho, that was starting even back in the late 70's and now they working on screwing up Texas. Colorado is two different states also the Western slope is great the Eastern slope is Denver/Colorado Springs yuppies that are doing their best to ruin that state and are succeeding quite well.
New York has always sucked a good bit because of NYC, Albany, Buffalo. I only came back here because of family responsibilities and now my wife doesn't want to leave because of the grandkids and at my age I'm not sure if it's worth it.
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   / Do you ever get it all figured out or mostly figured out? #93  
I like the visits that evolve around helping with a chore then relax afterwards, all without much talk. (y)
Ditto, and part of my motivation for installing an outside shower. Work, rinse, change into swim trunks, pour beer and cocktails, chill in the pool, grill… in that order. Perfect day.