Tell us something we don’t know.

   / Tell us something we don’t know. #1  

dodge man

Super Star Member
Oct 25, 2008
West central Illinois
JD 2025R
I’m 59 years old, I like to think I learn something every day, even if it’s useless. Share something with us we might not know.

I’ve always been a bit of a star gazer but don’t know a lot about them. My daughter got me a telescope for Christmas. I was looking at Venus one night and I thought it was broken, it was half gone. The inner planets, Venus and Mercury have phases just like the moon. You just don’t normally see them unless magnified.

I should add this doesn’t need to be astronomy related, it can be anything.
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   / Tell us something we don’t know. #3  
Abraham Lincoln and George Washington had Malaria

Chic-fil-A is closed on Sunday
   / Tell us something we don’t know. #4  
I’m 59 years old, I like to think I learn something every day, even if it’s useless. Share something with us we might not know.

I’ve always been a bit of a star gazer but don’t know a lot about them. My daughter got me a telescope for Christmas. I was looking at Venus one night and I thought it was broken, it was half gone. The inner planets, Venus and Mercury have phases just like the moon. You just don’t normally see them unless magnified.

I should add this doesn’t need to be astronomy related, it can be anything.
Astronomy turned out to be my favorite class in college, I took it because I needed a science elective. The universe is fascinating and shows just how insignificant we are on planet earth. It made the little light go off in my head and brought together all the stuff I learned in college. So glad I took it in my final semester of under grad classes.

I was amazed that if light from space travels through a prism, it gives little black lines signifying different types of gasses. These lines never change for each gas. I mean, how did someone discover that? Who just looks into space through a prism and spends enough time doing it to see patterns.

In Wyoming, it's dark with no light pollution. With a little bit of knowledge and a good telescope...Its fun to star gaze.

   / Tell us something we don’t know.
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I did not know that about Chick-fil-A. I’ve tried to eat there a couple times, we don’t have one in our town, but the lines are stupid long.