Who rides motorcycles?

   / Who rides motorcycles? #1,931  

Please explain why you are entitled to “more light” than other vehicles on the road?

Is your choice to ride a motorcycle, accept it’s risks, disadvantages, and advantages. And in a supposedly free country we are supposed to be equal under the law.
There is NOTHING on my bike that is illegal or improper. I've been riding motorcycles since I was 16, I'm 55 now. If you don't like my bike, don't look at it. Scroll on. Go be Grumpy elsewhere.

Show me a law, where my lights are illegal. I guess you won't like my horn either? Denali sound bomb... it's like a train horn. No, I don't have obnoxious loud exhaust pipes on my bike either. It's quiet as a sewing machine. I share the road with cars at my own risk... but, the amount of texting and driving, driving while distracted, and just people operating vehicles with head up rump, is overly DIS-proportional.

I guess you wouldn't like my HIGH VIZ riding gear either? Too bright for your Grumpy eyes? :)

Scroll on past.

Have a fantastic weekend everyone.
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   / Who rides motorcycles? #1,932  

Please explain why you are entitled to “more light” than other vehicles on the road?

Is your choice to ride a motorcycle, accept it’s risks, disadvantages, and advantages. And in a supposedly free country we are supposed to be equal under the law.

Free country. I can have the lights I want. You can have the lights you want. Freedom.

Id like to see stats on accidents caused by a motorcycle having a single high beam in daylight hours 🤣

Ive never met a serious motorcyclist who is against making bikes more visible. Ever. But, the internet is full of weirdness
   / Who rides motorcycles? #1,933  
Wait, what? "Entitled" to more light.

A truck/car can have 2 low beams, 2 high beams, and 2 fog lights as per DOT - that is 6 lights in total.

You are saying he is acting "entitled" because he has a single-bulb headlight light and 2 fog lights. Looks like he actually may only have half of what car drivers have. Time to start bolting some more lights on that bike!!! LOL

I don't know how any person can argue that something as simple and minor as an extra light that may annoy them, but, save someone else's life is a bad idea. That motorcyclist is someone's son, daughter, father, or mother. Every driver should be concerned with EVERY other driver's safety, even if we don't know them or they bother us somehow.

I went to a lot of accidents as a first responder and I NEVER heard anyone say "I was blinded by a motorcycles light" and that is why I wrecked. NEVER anything even close. I did hear, "I dropped my phone and was getting it", "Sorry I drank too much", "Man, am I high", "I didn't see them", "I don't and lots of stuff like that. Even asking other buddies who are LEOs, none could think of one time a motorcycles light caused an accident. All can name several horrible accidents they have been to where a motorcyclist was injured or killed by a careless car/truck driver.
   / Who rides motorcycles? #1,934  

Please explain why you are entitled to “more light” than other vehicles on the road?

Is your choice to ride a motorcycle, accept it’s risks, disadvantages, and advantages. And in a supposedly free country we are supposed to be equal under the law.
I was rear ended while slowing to make a left turn with signal activated in 2019. My 1999 Goldwing was totaled. The other driver claimed he didn't see that I was turning. I installed modulating brake lights and additional turn signals in the rear and a modulating headlight to my 2019 GW. I will do whatever it takes to protect my wife and I from people that have selective blindness to motorcycles. I'd rather be seen than dead.
   / Who rides motorcycles? #1,935  
There is NOTHING on my bike that is illegal or improper. I've been riding motorcycles since I was 16, I'm 55 now. If you don't like my bike, don't look at it. Scroll on. Go be Grumpy elsewhere.

Show me a law, where my lights are illegal.
FMVSS No 108. Is rather dense and bureaucratese but it defines illumination patterns, maximum illumination brightness (which is not the same thing as bulb lumens). The point of the Federal Regulation is to provide lighting which works and does not blind other drivers.

Is something every motor vehicle manufacturer is fluent in, and builds vehicles to the limit of what the law allows.

I guess you won't like my horn either? Denali sound bomb... it's like a train horn. No, I don't have obnoxious loud exhaust pipes on my bike either. It's quiet as a sewing machine. I share the road with cars at my own risk... but, the amount of texting and driving, driving while distracted, and just people operating vehicles with head up rump, is overly DIS-proportional.
As I said, you are overly self-important.

I guess you wouldn't like my HIGH VIZ riding gear either? Too bright for your Grumpy eyes? :)
You have to go making things up, such as the belief you are entitled to blind other drivers because you know somehow they have "head up rump".

I used to have a sticker proclaiming, "Loud Paint Saves Lives" on my very orange GL1800. While at the same time wearing high-viz dayglow gear and yellow helmet.
   / Who rides motorcycles? #1,936  
Free country. I can have the lights I want. You can have the lights you want. Freedom.
Really? So you think desert racing lighting is legal on public highways? You think high beams are legal at all times? "I'm sorry you don't like my blinding lights but 'Freedom! I'm entitled!'"

Id like to see stats on accidents caused by a motorcycle having a single high beam in daylight hours 🤣
Yeah, me too. But government minions don't collect that data because they don't want it.

Ive never met a serious motorcyclist who is against making bikes more visible. Ever. But, the internet is full of weirdness
Visible is one thing. You say you can't see a headlight during daytime hours unless is it so blinding as to command attention? Why are you entitled to something that commands attention when others are not? When others are forbidden? (As are you too.)

Then again you are not thinking else you would realize obnoxious headlights are ignored. Once blinded by your lights drivers look away and make effort not to look again in your direction.

Clearly you must also be entitled to "loud pipes" so as to command the attention of others. Is your right or something because you are somehow disadvantaged? But if everyone was as loud as you then no one will hear anyone, and you'll have to find a way to be even louder. Same as for headlights.

Rather than "loud pipes" why not issue sirens to motorcycles?
   / Who rides motorcycles? #1,937  
Wait, what? "Entitled" to more light.

A truck/car can have 2 low beams, 2 high beams, and 2 fog lights as per DOT - that is 6 lights in total.
Additionally each is limited, and each much meet a strict illumination pattern without flares outside the illumination zone.

You are saying he is acting "entitled" because he has a single-bulb headlight light and 2 fog lights. Looks like he actually may only have half of what car drivers have. Time to start bolting some more lights on that bike!!! LOL
First, no more than 4 at a time. So called "fog" lights must turn off when high beams are selected because the fog lights count as high beams no matter the blue light on the dash is not illuminated, a separate not-blue light appears. That "fog" lights plus high beams exceed the Federal standards.

Second, you assume "motorcycle has only one headlight filament". That is rare these days.

I went to a lot of accidents as a first responder and I NEVER heard anyone say "I was blinded by a motorcycles light" and that is why I wrecked.
Nope. Because drivers look away from blinding lights.
   / Who rides motorcycles? #1,938  
I was rear ended while slowing to make a left turn with signal activated in 2019. My 1999 Goldwing was totaled. The other driver claimed he didn't see that I was turning. I installed modulating brake lights and additional turn signals in the rear and a modulating headlight to my 2019 GW. I will do whatever it takes to protect my wife and I from people that have selective blindness to motorcycles. I'd rather be seen than dead.
Driver who can't see a Goldwing can't see anything.

So now you are overloading the senses to get the "deer in headlights" effect. "Never seen one of those before! Wonder what it is?" while forgetting to brake.
   / Who rides motorcycles? #1,939  
Oh my.

This thread was one thread with cordial, fun posts about a passion we all have. Now it's beginning to look like the EV thread, and they both have one thing in common now. A certain poster who likes to name call, post straw man arguments, and put people down as a means of communicating.

It's time to move on from this hot button topic of lights, or this thread will become another EV thread.

I mean, there is no data on blinded drivers... Not because it doesn't exist? But now it's some government conspiracy to ignore the data? 🙄

Also, yes, in many places high beams during daylight are not illegal. The California highway patrol has actually recommended high beams be used on motorcycles during daylight hours for visibility. To make a blanket statement and say "it's illegal" is patently false... So stop. You spend enough time on the internet to do a quick search to find that statement isn't true.

Go back to the EV thread and bully people there. Or start your own high beams should be illegal thread. Or just come here to talk about your motorcycle and the rides you've been on this week.
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   / Who rides motorcycles? #1,940  
Oh my.

This thread was one thread with cordial, fun posts about a passion we all have. Now it's beginning to look like the EV thread, and they both have one thing in common now. A certain poster who likes to name call, post straw man arguments, and put people down as a means of communicating.

It's time to move on from this hot button topic of lights, or this thread will become another EV thread.

I mean, there is no data on blinded drivers... Not because it doesn't exist? But now it's some government conspiracy to ignore the data? 🙄

Also, yes, in many places high beams during daylight are not illegal. The California highway patrol has actually recommended high beams be used on motorcycles during daylight hours for visibility. To make a blanket statement and say "it's illegal" is patently false... So stop. You spend enough time on the internet to do a quick search to find that statement isn't true.

Go back to the EV thread and bully people there. Or start your own high beams should be illegal thread. Or just come here to talk about your motorcycle and the rides you've been on this week.
So we have established that you have a superior attitude and deserve laws to let you do things others are not permitted?

That motorcycles get to have loud pipes, flashing headlights, and excessive lighting, that no others are allowed?

You do the same in the EV thread. You know nothing of EV other than bias conformation you read on the internet. No thinking involved. Turn brain off before admitting you have looked away from blinding lights. That you have quit looking in rear view mirrors when headlights from behind are merely uncomfortable.