BX25 GrappleOmatic

   / BX25 GrappleOmatic #11  
Looks good. I have a friend that is just itching to do some fabrication for me and this is a project I want to do as well. First he is going to build a set of debris forks to bolt onto the bucket. Following that will be the grapple. As for myself I think I want the grapple to extend out beyond the bucket but not beyond the debris forks.

Anyone have a grapple that would offer an opinion?

I made a set of brush forks last fall and now that the holidays are past I hope to get back to building the grapple for our BX23. I made a wooden prototype and now have all the hydraulics from Surplus Center. I hope that I can take the tractor and mock-up to the welder on Monday or Tuesday and get on their schedule. I hope to be able to bolt removable extensions on the upper grapple teeth so it will be efficient with or with out the brush forks mounted. We have a couple of acres of wooded area right by our house just screaming to get cleaned up. If that works well, the seminary here has five wooded acres next door to us they just acquired and I know they would be happy to get them cleaned out. When I get it built I plan to post some pictures with and without the extensions. I too would like to see any ideas for doing this.
2012 should be a lot of fun. A year ago I hadn't even thought about getting something like the BX23 but it sure has been great.
A. Metcalf
   / BX25 GrappleOmatic #13  
Hey "bird turds" are better than no welds.. I agree with you, get a welder and start learning and quit "wishing" you could weld. I am not a very good welder either, but I am getting better. As cheap as welders are now, (especially used welders) there is not really any excuse to not have one. Unless you are just scared someone will make fun of your welds.. Which they will do, but so what?

I say weld-on!

James K0UA
   / BX25 GrappleOmatic
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Thanx for the input A. Metcalf and be sure to post up pics when you get going!
   / BX25 GrappleOmatic
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Are you gonna weld some grab hooks onto it before you paint it?

Dude...I am so vasalating back and forth and up and down about hooks / whatnot. I have not made up my mind if I am going w/ chain hooks or D-Rings or Solid Rings....oh man...I gotta go or get off the pot on that decision... any input for me to help sway my mind anyone? Seen any off the hook cool ideas implemented anywhere?

There are some real valid arguements regrading D-Rings over hooks and vice versa...
   / BX25 GrappleOmatic
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Here ya go K0ua :laughing:

Let the masses rip me a new one! (But they ain't gonna fail anytime soon. :D )




   / BX25 GrappleOmatic #17  
Here ya go K0ua :laughing:

Let the masses rip me a new one! (But they ain't gonna fail anytime soon. :D )




A bird pooped on your angle iron:laughing::laughing:

Just joking:)

By all means weld 2 hooks on there while your at it. Place them inline with your loader arms. You'll be glad you did.

P.S. I've got a 2 year old mig welder thats never been out of the box.
   / BX25 GrappleOmatic #18  
Yep, 2 5/16 weld on grab hooks, are what you need with the opening pointing towards the tractor.. Like this.

James K0UA


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   / BX25 GrappleOmatic #19  
Your grapple looks great! Keep up the good work!!! :thumbsup::thumbsup:I made a set of debri forks about 30'' long off front of bucket 2''x2'' thick wall tubing. These are 30'' plus the length under the bucket, welded chain on that wraps around back side of bucket and secure with chain binders. Then made grapple out of 1/2''x4'' flat bar 3''x3'' thick wall tubing, grapple is long, end and reaches end of debri forks. Welded 3''x3'' on top of bucket to pin grapple on . Hydraulic cylinder works off rear remote. It is a little over kill for my B7800 but it works well for me. When I make it lite weight I bend it up, then have to start over again. Planning on a shorter grapple to hit at end of bucket without the forks some time this year. Will try to add photos to (my photos tonight) . Remember Work Smarter NOT Harder !!!!!!!! Steven.
   / BX25 GrappleOmatic #20  
I use grab hooks on mine and usually put a slip hook on the middle just to take up slack chain. And welding 1 on backwards never hurts either, I keep saying I am going to weld them both ways on my buckets but at last guess I had like 15 buckets so someday that's a lot of hooks and a lot of welding.
Welding needs more practice, looks like you are hurrying it along too much, good penetration though. Practice on the flat welds if you can, vary your hand speed moving along until you have a nice smooth weld. And stitch to reduce warping,,, reduce not eliminate.