Here is what not to do or say if you shoot a burglar...geeez !

   / Here is what not to do or say if you shoot a burglar...geeez ! #281  
The fact of the matter is very few have or ever will be confronted with persons as they are breaking in to their homes most if they are even at home would be sitting around watching TV playing, on their computer, off in another room or asleep.
the next fact, is that not even individuals with prior training or most police officers react well under extreme stressful situations.
IF you happen to be asleep chances are you may not even know your house had been burglarized until you wake up the next morning. Particularly if they happened to be professionals and if you do not own a noisy pet.
Even should you be rousted from a deep sleep everyone even highly trained Military needs a few precious seconds to comprehend what is transpiring.
when I was a kid in the 50 s & 60 s every fire arm in our house was kept loaded most of them within reach of anyone who needed to grab one none except for single shot or double barreled ever had a round in the chamber those that did needed to be cocked before they could fire. This was a practice that I carried through the 70 s& 80 s while my children were growing up. Fire arms were only put away when they had playmates over to remove any possibility of an accidental misuse Children like to play cowboys & Indians or cops & robbers or even act out a cartoon like Elmer Fudd. The last thing I wanted was for one of my kids to get shot by one of their playmates.
People like John mcAfee well again none of us can possibly know what was going through his mind at the time Nor, I suspect we will ever know the actual factual truth other than what is contextually clipped and published, Neither will we ever learn why most do what they do or why they did it.
I doubt if I personally will ever be confronted with someone trying to break in to my home or domicile unless I happen to be traveling and staying in a Hotel. but then I would be screwed since the transportation of firearms internationally is strictly frowned on these days
   / Here is what not to do or say if you shoot a burglar...geeez ! #282  
I think it is funny you talk about intolerance from Christians and then say "This thread is ridiculously off topic and should be cleaned up with all the irrelevant rantings on the press." I don't know you yet, and I'd like to like you, and I think that would be helped considerably if you would just "cool your jets." :)

It is not at all uncommon for things to go off topic, and all that is needed to get back on topic is for someone to say something interesting about the stated topic. I would suggest that many a person has had fun here going to various threads and looking only at the first post and the last. :D

Anyway, if we don't find that screw-ups and bias from the press doesn't eventually muddle the stated topic of this thread, it will be either a first, or an extreme rarity.

Either way though, most times TBN doesn't really need a thread manager to stifle speech, and only some speech here is frowned upon. Politics is frowned upon unless you do it in Friendly Politics, and religion is generally frowned upon. A publication called the Christian Science Monitor does in fact exist, and has existed for years, so the closest thing to frowned upon religious speech is your comment above which is unflattering to Christians, off topic (not that I really care about that one,) and could draw a justifiable response from others who now have to try to "live over" your comment because they know it is frowned upon speech. Please be chillin'.:thumbsup:

EDIT: I think everyone missed it. The 17 year old male perp was studying Taekwondo, he was already armed............

The actions of the homeowner were very unreasonable considering the information we've been given so far. I think we may find out more later on concerning this 'underage' perp, that was studying martial arts.
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   / Here is what not to do or say if you shoot a burglar...geeez ! #283  
Doesn't matter what we find out later about educational or criminal background of either kid...shooter gave no comment, far as I can see, that either teenager was offering deadly threat, simply their presence in his house.

This is like the Trayvon Martin case...we're going to have to wait for a jury to hear whatever facts can be gathered and make a decision.
   / Here is what not to do or say if you shoot a burglar...geeez ! #284  
Doesn't matter what we find out later about educational or criminal background of either kid...shooter gave no comment, far as I can see, that either teenager was offering deadly threat, simply their presence in his house.

This is like the Trayvon Martin case...we're going to have to wait for a jury to hear whatever facts can be gathered and make a decision.
I dunno..........the jury will have to decide, but, if that boy used his martial arts on previous victims(or even threatened to use them on this homeowner) of home invasions that we aren't aware of yet...........that could change things quickly.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not defending the homeowner(the statements made by him are quite 'damning'), but when presented to a jury, things could be different.
   / Here is what not to do or say if you shoot a burglar...geeez ! #285  
I just found this site...posted in another TBN thread by a member...It lists many stories of armed defense in the US...DIDN'T know there were so many. And, makes the point that there are many cases where elderly or extremely young people successfully defend themselves against stronger or more armed threats.

NRA-ILA | Armed Citizen
   / Here is what not to do or say if you shoot a burglar...geeez ! #286  
One thing is for sure after he shot the female and in the article or the video it was stated that she just laughed at him.
This could be perceived as her still posing a threat in many people's minds.
His later actions could also be seen as his insuring the threat had been eliminated for his sense of safety and well-being.
A persons adrenalin is not always controllable once it starts flowing in overdrive
However his statements are damming against his defense
Again none of us were there and hopefully never will find ourselves in a similar situation, so everything we say is like trying to tell a qtr back how to pass a football while watching him on TV
   / Here is what not to do or say if you shoot a burglar...geeez ! #287  
Interesting update...local CBS radio news (Minneapolis) just reported that there is additional evidence in the shooting death of the two teens. Evidently the shooter had video surveillance and audio actively recording during the shooting. Makes some sense since his vocation had been as a security agent charged with security at certain US facilities abroad.

The radio story did not get into what was on the video or audio "tapes". Hopefully, it is sufficient to document more of what actually took place. May be some time until we get the details? Might defense try to block the tapes from evidence? Not sure what grounds?

All the other news is about the 12"-15" of heavy snow we got during the last 24 hours...a bit messy on the roads today...winter has arrived!...TMR
   / Here is what not to do or say if you shoot a burglar...geeez ! #288  
Video and audio somewhere at the house. That is a strange twist, and it could work for or against the homeowner I suppose. Assuming it is treated as evidence, the contents may not be made available for quite a while.
   / Here is what not to do or say if you shoot a burglar...geeez ! #289  
Here in the Netherlands, the tide is turning: A property is no longer expected to excuse himself and walk away from the criminal, or charges could be pressed against him for abuse... Yes its ok to knock out a robber. This moral change has started after the old prince Bernhard publicly announced to pay the fine for supermarket employees who bruised a shoplifter.

Anyways, some people in this read say just dumb and ignorant things. What if your teenage son was drunk, tried to get into the wrong house and was shot dead three times in cold blood without prior warning ? this guy is a dangerous psychopath who needs to be locked up: when people came into his house he didnt try to scare them off or warn them, he ambushed them, waiting for them to come down the stairs to get a clear shot on them. He did not shoot on legs or shoulder to take out or capture, he shot to kill.

People that say "they got what they deserved" actually say that theft should be punished by death.. ???
   / Here is what not to do or say if you shoot a burglar...geeez ! #290  
Here in the Netherlands, the tide is turning: A property is no longer expected to excuse himself and walk away from the criminal, or charges could be pressed against him for abuse... Yes its ok to knock out a robber. This moral change has started after the old prince Bernhard publicly announced to pay the fine for supermarket employees who bruised a shoplifter.

Anyways, some people in this thread say just dumb and ignorant things. What if your teenage son was having diabetes and therefor not clear in his mind, therefor tried to get into the wrong house and was shot dead three times in cold blood without prior warning ? this guy is a dangerous psychopath who needs to be locked up: when people came into his house he didnt try to scare them off or warn them, he ambushed them, waiting for them to come down the stairs to get a clear shot on them. He did not shoot on legs or shoulder to take out or capture, he shot to kill.

People that say "they got what they deserved" actually say that theft should be punished by death.. ???

I'm glad the thug-hugging is over here in the Netherlands, but really, this is quite the opposite !