Who builds Cabela's brand tractors?

   / Who builds Cabela's brand tractors? #111  
Working as a tech, I've never done a brake job without turning the rotors or replacing the rotors. Why? I hate comebacks and my customers hate squeaking brakes.

I inspect the rotors before installing new pads. Working in the garage since I was 16 and have more certifications than I can remember and have never had 1 complaint or return on any brake work in over 35 years! Yes sometimes they need surfaced and sometimes they need replaced due to how they were used or abused but I assure you when the vehicle is driven correctly with a shoe that dosnt eat the rotor they don't need surfaced every time.
   / Who builds Cabela's brand tractors? #112  
I inspect the rotors before installing new pads. Working in the garage since I was 16 and have more certifications than I can remember and have never had 1 complaint or return on any brake work in over 35 years! Yes sometimes they need surfaced and sometimes they need replaced due to how they were used or abused but I assure you when the vehicle is driven correctly with a shoe that dosnt eat the rotor they don't need surfaced every time.

Since all my customers were in the city, I've yet to see a vehicle driven correctly. Minnesota common law established the procedure I outlined to avoid potential lawsuits after some drunks girls crashed their car and won a $10M lawsuit against a Midas franchise in the late '80s.
   / Who builds Cabela's brand tractors? #113  
I inspect the rotors before installing new pads. Working in the garage since I was 16 and have more certifications than I can remember and have never had 1 complaint or return on any brake work in over 35 years! Yes sometimes they need surfaced and sometimes they need replaced due to how they were used or abused but I assure you when the vehicle is driven correctly with a shoe that dosnt eat the rotor they don't need surfaced every time.

So very true....Having had the....cough....pleasure of working for GM in the 80's, when they made even bigger crap then they do now, and still knowing people in the car business, I can tell you that if a car rolled out with rotors/drums that had to be replaced every brake job that would not be long for the world, the idiot that came up with that idea to save 1lb of un sprung weight would not have his job for long....I bet he would be gone faster then the ignition switch designer.

While I agree you don't "have" to turn each pad replacement, but it is one of those good practices things....I always did it as an easy way to see if it was true. I have put pads on cars once a day over a weekend, rotors even with pretty aggressive pads would last the weekend. If you had very friendly pads then it was easy to get an entire season (10 races) out of a set of rotors.

And we all know that proper procedure is often established by DRUNK girls, still does not make it right....or even correct for that matter.
   / Who builds Cabela's brand tractors? #114  
Also I believe the 3000,4000,5000 were all sleeveless- Ford cited no hot and cold spots in the cylinder walls.

Those were some pretty popular tractors so there were quite a few built...

I have a Jubilee (NAA), a 621, 1nd an 841 all three of them has a sleeved engine.
   / Who builds Cabela's brand tractors? #115  
I have a Jubilee (NAA), a 621, 1nd an 841 all three of them has a sleeved engine.

Yep- and If i am not mistaken by the time ford built the (10) series they were making sleeved engines again, but the 3000 4000 and 5000 tractors are parent material cylinder style engines.

Ford did build a variety of sleeved and sleeveless engines.

Having both styles also- it seems the sleeved design sure makes a (cylinder rebuild) a lot easier since it can be done in frame... that is if the crankshaft is in good shape:thumbsup:
   / Who builds Cabela's brand tractors? #116  
Exactly. Put away the Ammco brake lathe.

It has to do with lightening the vehicles up to increase CAFE standards and marketed as lowering unsprung weight for better handling.

Sadly, piles of nicer Ammco lathes are now on craigslist for 1/4 what they cost new.

Well if it is about weight only- they could make the rotors like Porsche does - out of carbon fiber within a silicon carbide matrix and save pounds... not ounces :D
   / Who builds Cabela's brand tractors? #117  
Well if it is about weight only- they could make the rotors like Porsche does - out of carbon fiber within a silicon carbide matrix and save pounds... not ounces :D

My old SL55 had carbon brakes, and while they were cool at the track, they stunk bumming around town because they never got up to operating temperature and so I put the stock brake rotors on.


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   / Who builds Cabela's brand tractors? #118  
A rotor should be either resurfaced or replaced when new pads are installed so the pad has a good surface to seat into and so the pad will wear properly. Brakes are more finicky on vehicles with ceramic pads too.

People have been saying this for years, and it's one of those absolute statements that is simply untrue as an absolute. If the rotors aren't heavily scored and are otherwise in good shape, the new pads will seat to the rotors just fine if you follow the normal directions to go easy on the brakes for the first hundred miles or so.

The last time a mechanic told me they wouldn't put new pads on my truck (was under warranty so I had them handle routine service) without turning the rotors I asked what the rotors measured and he didn't know. I said "thanks, don't worry about the brakes," went home, measured the rotors which were well within spec and looked great, put on a set of premium pads, and drove another 60K miles before selling it....brakes were still fine when it left, didn't pulse, pull, or do anything other than work the way they always did.

This is simply one of those things where auto shops, with some justification, expect that the average driver is an idiot, can't be trusted to do something as simple as drive carefully to seat the pads, and they've adopted a case of CYA on just about everything. That's fine for people working on cars for a living, but it doesn't mean that the same practice always makes sense for someone working on their own car.
   / Who builds Cabela's brand tractors? #119  
People have been saying this for years, and it's one of those absolute statements that is simply untrue as an absolute. If the rotors aren't heavily scored and are otherwise in good shape, the new pads will seat to the rotors just fine if you follow the normal directions to go easy on the brakes for the first hundred miles or so.

The last time a mechanic told me they wouldn't put new pads on my truck (was under warranty so I had them handle routine service) without turning the rotors I asked what the rotors measured and he didn't know. I said "thanks, don't worry about the brakes," went home, measured the rotors which were well within spec and looked great, put on a set of premium pads, and drove another 60K miles before selling it....brakes were still fine when it left, didn't pulse, pull, or do anything other than work the way they always did.

This is simply one of those things where auto shops, with some justification, expect that the average driver is an idiot, can't be trusted to do something as simple as drive carefully to seat the pads, and they've adopted a case of CYA on just about everything. That's fine for people working on cars for a living, but it doesn't mean that the same practice always makes sense for someone working on their own car.

The shop and tech don't want to be sued for failing to do the job according to specs. They do not care if clients don't do things to specs but if their work isn't to the accepted industry standard, and you have an accident, people have won lawsuits claiming the brakes did not work right under a maximum performance stop.
   / Who builds Cabela's brand tractors? #120  
Brake Shops will just replace everything to CYA.

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