Why do people always stock up on bread and milk before a snowstorm?

   / Why do people always stock up on bread and milk before a snowstorm? #21  
Back in '70s our area received a massive storm that took 3 days to clean up.
Folks skied down main street of Montreal and it took D8 to open our street.
I snow sledded to stock up riding on top of snow banks. I kept hearing a whipping noise of something slapping on my sled.
Turned out that the snow bank I was riding on was buried cars! and the whipping antennas.

Yep. I bought milk, bread, eggs and a case of 24's.
Local reporter photographed me on the sled with the 24 on my shoulder.
His caption was, "Suburbanite stocks up on essentials". Made front page of the Montreal Star.

Radio called for sleds to rescue elderly and school kids.
   / Why do people always stock up on bread and milk before a snowstorm? #22  

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   / Why do people always stock up on bread and milk before a snowstorm? #23  
Nothing sets off a shopping panic in the Washington/Baltimore area like a snow storm. Or even flurries. The weather forecasters will always lead with "snow in the forecast, we'll tell you how much." Then you find out its a couple of inches out in the mountains.

But in fairness, Maryland doesn't do a very good job of clearing roads and it can take a while to get to the store, which can be pretty well picked over in two days. Also, we've had a string of bad forecasts where they way underestimated the accumulation. Not to mention snow-mageddon a few years back when people spent ten hours trying to get home a and some even ended up spending the night in their cars.

Still, I'm sure I could survive a week on just the stuff I routinely keep in the house. And if you drink soy milk you can keep it for a month so there's no need to rush out for a fresh supply.

What kills me is when they cancel school but its not so bad that you can't get around so all the parents who are forced to stay at home pack up the kids and head to the mall or movies or museums or whatever to entertain them. If they can drive around why can't the kids go to school.
   / Why do people always stock up on bread and milk before a snowstorm? #25  
Boston has received 79.5" of snow this season. 10-18" is forecast for tomorrow. Went to the grocery store tonight (to buy ice cream) and the shelves were full of bread and milk!

I guess people are sick of French Toast.
   / Why do people always stock up on bread and milk before a snowstorm? #26  
Who doesn't like french toast and a cold glass of milk
   / Why do people always stock up on bread and milk before a snowstorm?
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   / Why do people always stock up on bread and milk before a snowstorm? #29  
Probably for cereal because it's easy to feed kids...
   / Why do people always stock up on bread and milk before a snowstorm? #30  
I think people feel the need to do SOMETHING before a major storm. Bread & milk is easy - - what would you want them to stock up on - - bottled water & toilet paper.