When to give up: lemon law for tractors.

   / When to give up: lemon law for tractors. #11  
Any reason(s) you arent telling us what is wrong with the tractor?
   / When to give up: lemon law for tractors.
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I try never to go drastic. Yes, the tractor was new; corporate has been involved; very competent dealer - and responsive. Thanks for your feedback. This truly seems to be an anomaly that got through the statistical analysis quality control with a flaw.
   / When to give up: lemon law for tractors.
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Thanks Ed. Tractor was bought new. It stalls- intermittently with no pattern. Sometimes after three days; three hours; 20 minutes. The next dealer is 90 miles, and owned by the same family. But I appreciate your response. Dianne
   / When to give up: lemon law for tractors. #14  
HST or gear?

Has the dealer been able to verify the problem but just cannot figure out how to fix it?
Or does it never act up while the dealer has it?
   / When to give up: lemon law for tractors.
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Not at all, except I have posted about it several times. The tractor starts, runs fine - and then stalls out (like a vapor lock). I didn't mention is because we (both on this site, corporate, the dealer, local farmers, etc) have gone over that, and haven't been able to resolve the stall problem. Thanks for asking. Dianne
   / When to give up: lemon law for tractors.
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Corporate is involved. All parties are trying, but it is time for me take another approach. I was hoping maybe someone else had been through a similar situation and had advice on negotiating a replacement. Thank you for the feedback.
   / When to give up: lemon law for tractors. #18  
Not at all, except I have posted about it several times. The tractor starts, runs fine - and then stalls out (like a vapor lock). I didn't mention is because we (both on this site, corporate, the dealer, local farmers, etc) have gone over that, and haven't been able to resolve the stall problem. Thanks for asking. Dianne

When you start threads relying on information posted in OTHER threads which you don't reference don't assume anyone has read them.

It reads like it's a tractor for someone who only wants to work for 45 minutes.

Has the dealer ran it enough for it to stall on him?

/edit - I meant "It reads like it's an ideal tractor for someone who only wants to work for 45 minutes. Then take a break"
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   / When to give up: lemon law for tractors.
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My original post: "I bought a tractor from the dealer in late 2013. Since then, it has more hours in the shop than in the field. I sincerely believe the dealer is trying to fix the intermittent problem...but so far, no success. The situation is unacceptable, as I can not trust the tractor to operate; there are safety concerns; work stoppages.... and just frustration. Has anyone had to say: ENOUGH. I believe Minnesota has duty-to-repair provision and the refund-and-replace provision of the lemon law that applies to farm equipment. Feedback on how you handled the situation would be greatly appreciated."

I take your point about OTHER threads, but the question was not for mechanical feedback. I was asking if anyone has negotiated wrt the manufacturer's duty to refund or replace.
I don't even know how to respond to your second point.
Yes, the tractor has "stalled" while the dealer rep was driving it.
   / When to give up: lemon law for tractors.
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"I bought a tractor from the dealer in late 2013. Since then, it has more hours in the shop than in the field. I sincerely believe the dealer is trying to fix the intermittent problem...but so far, no success. The situation is unacceptable, as I can not trust the tractor to operate; there are safety concerns; work stoppages.... and just frustration. Has anyone had to say: ENOUGH. I believe Minnesota has duty-to-repair provision and the refund-and-replace provision of the lemon law that applies to farm equipment. Feedback on how you handled the situation would be greatly appreciated."

I will be more specific: My tractor doesn't run when needed. It stalls. The dealer and the corporate reps have been responsive, but unable to repair (325F.6653 MANUFACTURER'S DUTY TO REPAIR) the tractor to specifications (Minnesota statute 325F.6654 - MANUFACTURER'S DUTY TO REFUND OR REPLACE.)

I am asking if anyone had gone through the process for replacement or refund obligations such as negotiations with the vendor management, manufacturer rep, alternative dispute resolution, or exhaustion of settlement remedy. If so, and constructive feedback or advice would be greatly appreciated.

I am not - at this time - asking for mechanical help, although this forum is very useful. I am also not asking for help finding another vendor, there are only three authorized dealers within a 100 miles -and they are owned by the chain.

I am meeting with the dealer tomorrow to discuss the way ahead. I appreciate all your comments. Thanks, Dianne