Tell us something we don’t know.

   / Tell us something we don’t know. #4,701  
I have my grandfather's cart he made for the tractor using a 30s Chevy straight axle. The 16" tires have red rubber inner tubes.
What's in those red tubes that makes them red? These have been in the shed for 70yrs. Is it age, or being left in the sun for the last year that makes them turn into a horror show.
   / Tell us something we don’t know. #4,702  
Iron oxide is often used as a filler for improved heat resistance in some rubber compounds. That could be it.
   / Tell us something we don’t know. #4,703  
Sorry DSTIG1, the 12345 zip code belongs to the GE main plant in Schenectady. Once upon a time the R&D facility was also there at the main campus. I worked at the main plant and many a December I worked the Santa reply desk at lunch time. If you address a letter to Santa, zip code 12345 it goes to the main plant in Sch. The mail room is in building 5.

GE R&D is in Niskayuna with a zip code of 12309.
Well I'll be. I distinctly recall the 12345 zip code as it stuck out to me being so unique and fit my OCD perfectly ;) Perhaps they were still getting mail centralized from the main plant and so using that zip code even though CRD was separate? Dunno. I never was at the main plant in town, just CRD. Used to drive by the greenie looneys protesting at KAPL once a month on my way in, whenever their organized "we hate nukes" thing was.
   / Tell us something we don’t know. #4,704  
Back before dialing the area code was mandatory, and you could just dial a "1" before the phone number for long distance within your area code, we had a neighbor whose phone number happened to be 234-5678. Sounded like it would be a great number to have, but they finally asked to have it changed because the got too many calls from toddlers playing with a phone.
   / Tell us something we don’t know. #4,705  
Back before dialing the area code was mandatory, and you could just dial a "1" before the phone number for long distance within your area code, we had a neighbor whose phone number happened to be 234-5678. Sounded like it would be a great number to have, but they finally asked to have it changed because the got too many calls from toddlers playing with a phone.
I had caught a story on the news in 1982, that people were having to change their phone numbers away from 867-5309, in various area codes all over the country. That damn Jenny really upset a few lives.
   / Tell us something we don’t know. #4,706  
I had caught a story on the news in 1982, that people were having to change their phone numbers away from 867-5309, in various area codes all over the country. That damn Jenny really upset a few lives.
I've heard that also. Funny how nobody had that problem with 3-6, 2-4, 3-6 eight.
I guess nobody leads a life of crime.
   / Tell us something we don’t know. #4,707  
For those that don't know what's the significance of 867-5309 and 3-6, 2-4, 3-6 eight.
   / Tell us something we don’t know. #4,709  
   / Tell us something we don’t know. #4,710  
For those that don't know what's the significance of 867-5309 and 3-6, 2-4, 3-6 eight.
I couldn't imagine there's someone in this country who doesn't actually know the significance of 867-5309('ein), but if there is, they should consider themselves lucky. The damn thing hit no.1 on the Billboard Charts in 1982, and hung in there way longer than it ever deserved to. @stuckmotor just cursed them with that damn ear worm. :D