Recent content by smallfarmer

  1. S

    I'm Suffering

    My BX is in the shop for repairs and I'm suffering from "tractorus interruptus" or what mechanics call TI. Shortly after I got my tractor, a terrible sound was made when I dump the bucket. The dealer couldn't find anything at 50 hours but a mechanic came by and heard it and it moved around when...
  2. S

    slow leak

    One of the front tires on my BX2350 looses about a pound a day. I checked it and there is some bubbling at the seal for tire and rim. Would slime stop that or can somebody recommend something better. How fast would the tire have to turn to coat the inside? Oh yeah, It's a bit over 100 hours and...
  3. S

    Cleaned my tractor

    A lousy mullberry-eating bird krapped on the hood of my tractor while it was parked in the barn. I saw it a few hours later but some damage was already done. There is a faint outline on the hood from the splat. Washing it and a coat of Turtlewax cleaner/wax didn't get rid of all of it. Until...
  4. S

    My Bucket List

    Unlike the movie, my "bucket list" is a bit different. 1. Remove fence line and pull posts. 2. Pull old wood posts at driveway entrance. 3. Get field rocks back from dry creek 'cause somebody wants to BUY them. :confused: 4. Haul a lot of old dead trees around after cutting them up. 5. Cut more...
  5. S

    The latest project

    I pretty much used up most of the first 50 hours doing "catch-up" stuff with my BX2350 like moving rocks and digging out buried stuff. Currently I'm out in the woods moving felled limbs and taking out some small trash trees. Since the ground is still quite wet I can lay some over with the bucket...
  6. S

    Ya never know

    Some years back I built a small barn for chickens and trenched in electric etc. A few years back the chickens went into the soup pot and the fencing went away and the barn became storage. The grass came back around the barn and we mowed it. Life was good. Last year, after bending up a set of...
  7. S

    A question on diesel fuel and cans

    I'm buying diesel 5 gallons at a time and generally empty it into the tractor when I get home. My thought was that I didn't really want to keep a full can around due to the gelling (winter) or the fungus stuff (summer) that I've read about. Now i'm wondering about the small amount of leftover...
  8. S

    My first bucket practice

    Just got my new BX earlier than expected. Over the winter we got four trees down and three of them are widow makers. Also had a lot of "stuff" the power company left behind after a 4 year battle (but thats a different story). I came, I see, I sawed. By the time I got the last of the wood moved I...
  9. S

    Got it today

    Went looking a while back but certain obligations and the Evil Minister of Finance prevented me from making any payments until June. The first dealer I went to, treated me like a hick at a budget used car lot and I just got away as quickly as I could (maybe I'll tell more later). The other...
  10. S

    Mowing  What about mower deck types?

    Am getting a BX2350 with loader and I'm wondering if a Rear mounted finishing mower might be better than the standard mid mount 60 inch. I like the idea of rear discharge on the rear mount but I don't know about the durability of an aftermarket as compared to the Kubota MMM. What are the pros...