A helping hand.

   / A helping hand. #11  
Hmmm, I would swap that goat for a more manageable pet, such as a hamster or goldfish. But when you invest so much in a tractor, the imagination runs hot in terms of how it can be used in order to save you effort such as what the OP and other TBNers here have devised. But, no matter how hard I think, I still can't think of a way of using my tractor's hydraulics to iron my laundry.
Run the exhaust or coolant through a heat exchanger and use the hydraulics to run a hydraulic clothes press?
Or do like in the cartoons and use a roller on a road?

Aaron Z
   / A helping hand. #12  
Aczlan - A stonking great idea! A tractor in a laundry should be everyone's aspiration - and attract a Government grant under the "Homeowners First Tractor in a Laundry Scheme". The actual operation mightn't work well on frills and lace, but I couldn't see that as a real problem for most tractor owners. Don't know about the roller idea with our coarse chip roads, but the dimpled look might catch on.