Good morning!!!!

   / Good morning!!!! #31,431  
Larro, tall is how I'm approaching this. Two fence companies here today, both independently agreed that either large open weave deer fencing or traditional black chain link fence were my best options, not trying to extend my pvc white horse fencing and rig an electrified line on top. Getting quotes on both from both. This orchard is going to be here a long time
and priorities are durability, transparency and cost. Everything spec'd at 8 feet, 70 feet by 270 feet, two gates plus a third gate in my existing fence to allow trucks and other heavy stuff that might be headed to the barn area, like a cement mixer..., to be able to get into the back of the property without driving over the lawn. I have dozens of ruts to fix as it is now. The field around the orchard will always be mowed and clear so a dump truck or cement truck can go that way.
Not now...still water on surface of the ground in some areas and the millisecond it goes below it will start raining again tomorrow. Maybe in a couple of years I will use my nice new blade and rake and put in a gravel driveway through there. It will be completely hidden on the far side of the orchard except for the right turn and short stretch off my paved driveway.

I got so muddy today I looked like a pig in a pen.
Had to come in and shower at lunch, after three hours of planting I was done in anyway. 8 Leland cypress, 8 rose bushes and about ten fruit trees planted today. My neighbor came over with his JD 2025 and drilled a lot of smaller holes for me.
I just have to special order a new 12 inch auger. No one stocks them nearby with a three inch shaft. Maybe a call to ETA...
but his much smaller tractor was wonderfully more agile than mine in tight spots, and since I was doing mostly sideline trees, I needed them pretty far into the hedge. His tractor doesn't have to worry about all the tree limbs mine requires.

A good day outdoors, so good to feel warm again (it's coming guys...), and especially good because the gas company showed up a day early, in perfect timing with the electricians, and my 22kw Generac may be up and running tomorrow. It helped that the service head of the gas company also owns the spa company his son runs where I bought my hot tub.
Next day service from a gas company on a non emergency was pretty impressive. Of course, they want me to burn more propane...:rolleyes:
   / Good morning!!!! #31,432  

Bad Word was a big help this afternoon trimming trees. And by help, I mean she was between my feet the whole time.

We did hit 85F again today. Hot.

   / Good morning!!!! #31,433  
Just when I thought I would be the hottest today with 76˚ I find I'm in third place. That temp was short lived, the front blew in and now it's 45˚, dropping, and we will be in a winter ice alert in the morning.
   / Good morning!!!!
  • Thread Starter
Warmer today, but getting colder tonight. I really wish winter would end....
   / Good morning!!!! #31,436  
32F amazingly. About 11 pm the temp is supposed to start sliding down, all day tomorrow down, down to -1F by Friday morning. After that it looks like we get warmer.

44F and half sunny today. The driveway got melted bare and a little sloppy on top in a few places. Mud season, here we come. :D

I skipped a fire in the stove this evening for the first time in many weeks. Winter must be over.
   / Good morning!!!! #31,437  
85 degrees? You guys are killing me.

At least the maple sap will be running soon. :D
   / Good morning!!!! #31,438  
2015-03-05, 0337

27 right now...and that is the high for today. It'll be dropping to 18 later (as the "high").
   / Good morning!!!! #31,439  
Good morning.
Last year I started to fence off a piece of land for a tiny orchard so my wife can have the fruit trees she has wanted for quite a while now. I have felt a little guilty about abandoning it for higher priority jobs, especially each time Drew has inadvertently reminded me with his posts about his orchard exploits. Can't claim the orchard is finished even now, as only the top rails of the post-and-rail are on, however at least the netting is now up to keep the sheep out.

Yesterday we bought some bare rooted apple trees, a damson and a plum from a nursery about 30 miles away. Even though it's the end of their season, they still had quite a selection of varieties grafted onto a choice of rootstock. You then pointed to which particular tree you liked the look of and out of the ground it came.
Expensive, though I can see the work they put into growing each one and hopefully they will be treasured for a long time to come. I better dig some quality holes to match and get them in today.

Only just realised as I write this, I got a shiny new spade for Christmas.
Ever feel you have been manipulated ?

Well just got the boy out of the dentist. He didn't break a tooth. The one we thought it was is still there. Dentist says it was an extra undeveloped tooth and the one that belongs there is getting ready to come in so it just pushed the undeveloped one through and out. Said it's pretty common for baby teeth to do these things and it has nothing to do with his permanent teeth.

Heard the tooth fairy pays double rate for those bonus teeth. Did she visit last night ?
   / Good morning!!!! #31,440  
25F now upper teens afternoon than mercy bottoms out -7F for tonight.
Wednesday sure was tease after weeks upon weeks below freezing temps.

One day closer to weekend :) Enjoy the day all.