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  1. Ibrahim

    TBN Brief Downtime Is Done

    Hello Everyone! If you happened to be on just now... Well I guess you weren't on because I shut the server down to upgrade our file space. But we're back up now and you can go about business as usual! -Ibrahim
  2. Ibrahim

    We're Back!

    I'm sure you noticed the downtime! I want to apologize and welcome you back! I'll endeavor NOT to do that again! So this morning while I was trying to fix a minor recurring issue with the forum I managed to throw a monkey wrench JUST right to hit everything on the way down. I then spent the...
  3. Ibrahim

    Post Threads Works Again

    This is an announcement. Threads can be posted again! Sorry about that, we had a problem with an addon and disabled it, but it left a remnant that we just fixed! I didn't check the thread posts. Apologies.
  4. Ibrahim

    Upcoming Saturday Night Downtime (4/22)

    Hey Everyone, We're going to be locking the forum and maybe shutting off the site briefly on Saturday to move some files to a new server. This isn't a hardware upgrade but a backend server upgrade. None of the forum software is changing and nothing should appear different to any users. I...
  5. Ibrahim

    Maintenance time tonight! 11pm - Midnight (And a little later)

    I'm going to be doing some server stuff tonight that may cause some downtime. The forum will be locked beforehand so we don't accidentally lose data.
  6. Ibrahim

    Short Downtime Scheduled for Tonight (Monday the 28th)

    Hey everyone, Just wanted to let you know that tonight around midnight eastern (9pm pacific) I'm going to lock the forum so I can do a little maintenance. I'm going to give myself a 2 hour window, but more likely I'll be able to unlock the forum within the first hour. -Ibrahim
  7. Ibrahim

    Smoked Beef Ribs!

    Got some rib plates and cooked them up the other day. I've got a Pellet Grill and these were in for around 10 hours. Came out great, wife enjoyed em, and Muhammad took home some, too.
  8. Ibrahim

    Questions about Whole House Water Filtration Systems

    Hey Everyone! My house is currently getting city water and it's definitely not water I want to drink. We had a salesman come out from RainSoft to test our water and pitch us their system. My wife and I were really impressed with their presentation and it highlighted some pretty bad numbers for...
  9. Ibrahim

    February 16th Unexpected Downtime Update

    Hello Everyone! Like many of you, we woke up this morning to TBN being down! I couldn't even get into the server so I made a request to our host and they checked on the physical server. Turns out the power supply was malfunctioning and they replaced it! We seem to be back up and running and...
  10. Ibrahim

    Server Downtime

    Tonight there will be a downtime for Tractorbynet. We expect the downtime to happen sometime between 9-10pm PDT (midnight on the east coast!) and it shouldn't be down for longer than 1 hour. We're doing routine server upgrades. Thanks for understanding! -Ibrahim
  11. Ibrahim

    Server Upgrade Complete

    Hello! If you're reading this, you're on the new server which will house TBN for a good number of years in the future! We didn't change hosts or anything, just got some new hardware and software upgrades. We ran through clicking as many things as we could, and there are always a few bugs that...
  12. Ibrahim

    Server Software Upgrade

    We just spent 2 hours working out the bugs of a PHP upgrade. Sorry about that. The sites should be fine. Though there is a problem on the top of the reviews page. We're working on fixing that, but it appears to JUST be a warning message, not a fatal error. Try to ignore it until we get it...
  13. Ibrahim

    Server Moved

    If you're reading this (and you are) then the server move is successful and you're all set! If you notice anything broken, let me know. But it should be running just the same as it always was! -Ibrahim
  14. Ibrahim

    Server Issue

    A few minutes ago, people were unable to access TBN. I saw an issue with our server and restarted it. It appears to be running properly now, but I'll be keeping my eye on it. -Ibrahim
  15. Ibrahim

    TBN Server News

    Howdy TBNers! Well, it seems no matter how big something is, we somehow manage to outgrow it. But, fortunately, we take a little bit of time so there are even BIGGER things out when it comes time to move. That's right, is moving! Of course, you won't notice. We're going to...
  16. Ibrahim


    Surprise! As soon as I step away from my computer, the server decides to reboot. We have a custom version of Apache that runs and has to be started manually if there is ever a reboot. We've got our eye on the server now, but it should be okay going forward. -Ibrahim
  17. Ibrahim

    Downtime Last Night

    It turns out we had a connection between our main server and our database server that got broken sometime last night. It took a couple tries for them to get it working again. I mean the physical wire, too. But it's been fixed and so things seem to be working again. Sorry about that. -Ibrahim
  18. Ibrahim


    As most of you noticed, we had a bit of downtime. Our database server just started refusing connections and we were stumped as to why for a while. Bad timing was that our lead sysadmin had just sat down to dinner and couldn't do much from the resturant. But as you can see, we got it sorted...
  19. Ibrahim

    Downtime this morning

    Hello, This morning our server rebooted and came back with the wrong apache version. I went in and turned that off and turned on the right one. I'm also going to reconfigure it to not use that anymore. Though I will, likely, put up a new "Server Down" message for when the server does come back...
  20. Ibrahim

    New Server

    The downtime you just experienced (if you were awake.) Was us moving to our new server. We may have some (more) strange behavior. And if you do notice anything, please let us know. I'll post more later, when we've totally finished up and we have more time to explain the new server setup. But...
  21. Ibrahim

    Downtime Explanation

    Hi Folks, We had a bit of a server hiccup last night. Of course it happened around 3am for me which meant that it was a good 4 hours before I was up and able to deal with it. Sorry for the downtime, but at least it was for the morning and all seems to be back up now. -Ibrahim
  22. Ibrahim

    Scheduled Downtime

    Hello All, This is a notice to let you know that tomorrow we will be having a scheduled downtime for a server upgrade. We hope to have it back up and running within a few hours after it's taken down. The scheduled downtime will begin between noon and 4pm EST. This is a good time as any as...
  23. Ibrahim

    Site Hiccup

    Sorry about that slight hiccup, folks. But I got the site back up. No data was lost and we got back up quickly. If you notice any bugs, let me know. -Ibrahim
  24. Ibrahim

    Scheduled Downtime

    Hi All, I'm going to have some maintenance done at Midnight Eastern Time tonight. During this time, the forum will be unavailible. We have had some recurring problems that this will be able to sort out. Thanks for your patience. -Ibrahim
  25. Ibrahim

    Short Downtime

    Hello All, I'm going to be upgrading our server in about 30 minutes. This will go rather quickly, but the forums will be inaccessible at that time. -Ibrahim
  26. Ibrahim


    Overnight the Database hit a bug and crashed itself. It seems to have recovered but I expect there are a few bugs around. Please report any strange errors you find here. Missing posts, dupe posts, and things like that. Thanks, Ibrahim
  27. Ibrahim

    Unexpected Downtime

    Sorry about that downtime. We did a little maintenance that required the server to be rebooted. It happened late at night, and then surprisingly the Apache Process didn't start up on its own. So I started it manually when I woke up. Which was minutes ago. I don't expect to have to do that...
  28. Ibrahim

    Scheduled Downtime

    Hi Everyone, We will be taking down the database server for a short while tonight to upgrade the RAM and improve the performance of the forums. This is scheduled to take place tonight between 1am and 5am Eastern Time. (Actually Thursday Morning.) The forum will be unavailible during that...
  29. Ibrahim

    Maintenance Time

    Hate to spring this on everyone with such short notice. But I need to take down the site for some time in the next 15 minutes. I don't anticipate the downtime to be longer than 60 minutes. Hopefully much less. Sorry for the inconvenience. -Ibrahim
  30. Ibrahim

    Server Downtime

    This morning we briefly had a server outage. It happened pretty early, so fortunately not many people were on the site. But the problem was found, solved, and the server was brought back online. Thanks for your patience. -Ibrahim
  31. Ibrahim

    Downtime and Search Fix

    The recent Downtime was due to me fixing the search. It may be a bug with MySQL but we'll keep our eye on it. As usual, if you notice anything unusual let us know. -Ibrahim
  32. Ibrahim


    The server automatically updated itself overnight. It didn't, however, restart itself properly. So the servers were down until I woke up and got into the box to restart them. Sorry about that folks! -Ibrahim
  33. Ibrahim

    Search All Forums Is Back...

    ...Again! Ok folks, I was juggling with this for a while, but we always wanted to get it back and now we have. It's not as fast as the rest of the forum (unless you search individual forums) but it's not going to slow down the rest of our site. We will be monitoring the forum to make sure that...
  34. Ibrahim

    Server Update

    Hey All, I'm changing a few things on the server. And the site will bounce on and off a few times while I do it. -Ibrahim
  35. Ibrahim

    ATTENTION: Changes to be aware of!

    Hello Everyone, I just made changes to our DNS Records, and over the next 24 hours we should have a seamless switch to a new IP address. This is NOT our new server. This is just a new IP address. This will make the actual server switch MUCH faster and smoother. I do not anticipate problems...
  36. Ibrahim

    Scheduled Downtime

    Hello All, We will be shutting down the server briefly to allow for some file transferring later today. During that time, the forums, classifieds, advertising, dealer directory, and reviews will be unavailble. I do not anticipate more than a 15 minute downtime, but this will serve as notice to...
  37. Ibrahim

    Emergency Downtime

    Hi Folks! As most of you probably noticed, we had a major slowdown earlier, followed almost immediately after by us closing the forums. The full details are rather technical so suffice it to say that we had to restore data from backup, and that took about 10-15 minutes. Everything should be in...
  38. Ibrahim

    1/2/4/6/12/24/48 Hours Views

    Hello Everyone, As you all are aware, we had serious issues with the "Past X Hours" being really slow and totally annoying to everyone. The 7-day listing will be taken away, since I don't think many people can bear to be away from TBN for a solid week. As a trade-off for taking this feature...
  39. Ibrahim

    Server Downtime

    Hello Everyone, This morning sometime before 5:45am Mountain Standard Time, our server stopped responding. While it was still up and availible via Traceroute or Ping programs, nothing else was responding. We rebooted the machine and everything is running properly. There were no immediate...
  40. Ibrahim


    Upgrading a few parts of the server. If the site goes down, you'll know why. (Of course, if the site is down, you can't read this.) -Ibrahim
  41. Ibrahim

    Upgrade Downtime

    Hello Everyone, This is just a note to inform everyone that I expect the site to be down from 1-4am Eastern Time, Tuesday July 22nd 2003. This is to upgrade the RAM in our physical server and we hope to bring much more speed and reliability to the site. Sorry for the inconvenience, Ibrahim
  42. Ibrahim

    Site Update!

    Alright Folks, Today we've been up and down numerous times as I restarted the server (I bet you thought it was your connection. ) I finished the changes I wanted to make. And I'll review and monitor it a bit more to see if we can't tweak some things. The major slowdowns in the past hour were...
  43. Ibrahim

    Upcoming Downtime - 6/10/2003

    Hello All, At approximately 2am Eastern Time tomorrow morning, the site will be down for an upgrade. This is the beginning of some upgrades this summer that will hopefully increase speed of the site. Strangely enough, this first upgrade may decrease performance slightly, but this is a...
  44. Ibrahim

    Site Fixes and Short Downtime

    Hey Everyone, A few minutes ago (1:40 server time) I restarted the mysql process to handle traffic spikes better. There was a slight downtime that most all of you probably noticed. But it's back up and running nicely. All the best, Ibrahim
  45. Ibrahim

    Site Hiccup

    I just did a little bit of maintenance which didn't go exactly as planned and it took me a couple minutes to undo my changes and bring the site back up. Sorry about that, but felt in light of recent events, a short post would be appreciated so no one gets alarmed. Thanks, Ibrahim
  46. Ibrahim

    Downtime - 05/15/2002

    That was my fault. I didn't expect the perl install to have any problems, yet it did, so we're going to put it off for a while (I'm thinking midnight on a weekend) until we're at an off-peak hour and try it again. But don't worry. Things are still stable as long as I stay out of it. I will...
  47. Ibrahim

    Enron, Arthur Anderson, and Sprint?

    I came across this today and thought most of you would get a kick out of it. -Ibrahim
  48. Ibrahim

    Server Stats

    Just thought I'd tell you all what we're running on now. We have a single server running RedHat Linux 6.2 It has a 750mhz AMD Processor (Which hasn't been taken below 90% idle since we started) 256MB Ram (Which is the first thing we'll have to upgrade, in a few months?) 9.1 GB SCSI (The SCSI...