2305, 2320, 2520 and 3032e

   / 2305, 2320, 2520 and 3032e #11  

I forgot to mention. Go by the size of your property and by the biggest job
today and in the future. If you have sizable property you'll end up having two
or more tractors anyway. For me the biggest jobs were plowing and snow removal,
on 80ac, and 1/4 mile driveway I went with 5083E and I'm glad I did.
Never underestimate the potential of "new things to do on the farm".
After you clear the land, what you are going to do? Pond anyone?
   / 2305, 2320, 2520 and 3032e #12  
Alot depends on the size of the project so without much information by the OP hard to give advice.

I can chime in and say the Deere 110tlb can perform well for almost everything on the list. The loader is heavy duty and is available with aux. hydraulics for operating a grappel or skidsteer buckets, forks and other tools. The hoe is 10ft and can remove some decent sized stumps and can be fitted with jackhammers, augers and several buckets. The 3 pt hitch is the same as 4x20 series tractors so you can operate most 6ft to 8ft implements for compacts. The 110 also has a diverter with 3 front circuits and 3 rear circuits for hydraulics. Has Ehydro transmission, skid plate for protection from brushpiles can go on and on.

If I could only have one tractor the 110tlb would be my choice. For mowing the finished lawn a lawn mower is hard to beat.