300 transmision problem

   / 300 transmision problem #1  


Super Member
Feb 1, 2006
central Iowa
JD 2720 & 3039R
If a 300 series mower were to start having problems with the K46 (?) transmision, what kind of symptoms should I be looking for? And how many hours does it take for them to develop?

A family member has one that is a year old but it has only 14 hours on it because of the lack of rain this year.
   / 300 transmision problem #2  
If you take care of it and don't pull anything heavy you should be able to get 300 usable hours out of it, mine has gradually gotten slower and slower. The 300 hrs I mention is what I expect I will get before I am forced to tear it down. Hopefully that will allow me to finish up the year and rebuild it this winter.
   / 300 transmision problem
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Well then that is good news. After the first year it has 14 hours now, so even at 20 hours a year it should be good for 15 years. I am going to quit worrying.

   / 300 transmision problem #4  
Though I understand it is a bit of a pain to do, You can change the oil after a season or two to a synthetic. That will extend your trans life by quite a bit.
   / 300 transmision problem #5  
Guys it is not that big of a deal to rebuild a transaxle. I have a k66? can't remember the letter but it is on a G100. I had pulled a heavy roller, lawnsweeper, thatcher, areator, trailer, and cut on hills every year for the past 9 years. My tranny lasted a lucky 400+hours. I was in a pickle this spring when it decided to poop during the growing season. JD dealer wanted $1800 for new transaxle--that's when I contacted Tufftorq. I ordered their rebuild kit for around $450 and after getting the transaxle out and cleaned up it took a whole 2 hours to replace all seals, center block, and pumps--.5 of it was cleaning the pan surface for sealant. Grab yourself a service manual its helps with pictures, I took some before and during tear down, but never had to refer to them thank god..
Good luck with those transaxles!!