75 Pounds - Worth it?

   / 75 Pounds - Worth it? #1  

Iowa Boy

Oct 3, 2006
Eastern Iowa
John Deere LT180
Let me start by saying that I wear the pants in the family. Let there be no doubt about that! Now that I've cleared that up, I'll tell you what has been going on.

I've been lurking for some time, and have come close to pulling the trigger on a compact tractor a couple of times, but something always gets in the way. We need the money to fix the car, we need money to buy clothes for the kids, we need money to buy food for the table, stuff like that.

My wife, wonderful woman that she is, has been very supportive in my efforts to lose weight, but over the years her support has not been enough. I tip the scales at about 305 lbs, up from 225 when I married her 15 years ago. Today she told me that if I get down to 230 by next spring, I can purchase whatever tractor I want (currently thinking about anything from a Kioti CK20 to a Kubota B3030 and everything in between).

It seems like a good offer, and I am going to go for it, just to let her think she has the control in our relationship. Wish me luck.

   / 75 Pounds - Worth it? #2  
I think any motivation that can be used when one encounters a difficult challenge such as substantial weight loss is a positive thing. I say sounds good to me, but what if you lose a lot of weight, but not the full 75?? Are you going to still be able to get a tractor, just a less expensive one???

John M
   / 75 Pounds - Worth it? #3  
Welcome to TBN. I'm glad you cleared that up, we don't need any girly-men here. Well, if you lose the weight, it will make it easier to get on and off the tractor, but then you may need to fill the tires to regain the added weight for traction purposes. Seems she got you on a technicality. If she had said loose 75 or 100 pounds, you could have just divorced her (if she weighs 75 or 100 pounds), but she gave you a specific weight to reach (230), so I guess she wins. Good luck and keep us posted. BTW, where are you located?
   / 75 Pounds - Worth it? #4  
I would go for a L3840 with HST, the larger loader (with extra valve), 3 hydraulic outlets and filled tires.

Then again, nobody would make that bet with me. I went from 225 to 185 from Jan 1st to the super bowl one year. It was a weight loss bet with a group at work. (made 140 bucks...) Not really that hard. Just went to 500-800 cal a day and did 1 hour of snowshoeing at lunch every day, 1 hour of bike in the basement every evening.

The biggest thing is to get rid of every last bit of high fat, high carb, high calorie food. Eat salads with no dressing - just veg.

   / 75 Pounds - Worth it? #5  
Iowa Boy said:
Let me start by saying that I wear the pants in the family. Let there be no doubt about that! ..........
My wife, Today she told me that if I get down to 230 by next spring, I can purchase whatever tractor I want (currently thinking about anything from a Kioti CK20 to a Kubota B3030 and everything in between).

Wish me luck.

I knew it was a fib the minute I read the first sentence... :D :D

Go for it... Leave the sugars and starch alone. You'll see orange all winter. Come next spring, you, Mr. Slim-N-Trim will have a new Kubota... :clap: :tiphat: :cheers:

You'll do just fine, but be ready to buy new clothes too...
   / 75 Pounds - Worth it? #6  
Oh man! I'd do it for a tractor and I only weigh 160. She didn't say you could not put pounds back on. Think how much fun that would be as well as having a new tractor :) . Seriously, use the tractor incentive to lose the weight and then keep it off so you can use the tractor for many, many years.
   / 75 Pounds - Worth it? #7  
Take the plunge....................go for it! Easy to say and we all know it will be a major effort on your part. You will need tons of support and the people here can provide some too!
   / 75 Pounds - Worth it? #8  
Iowa Boy said:
Let me start by saying that I wear the pants in the family. Let there be no doubt about that! Now that I've cleared that up, I'll tell you what has been going on.

I've been lurking for some time, and have come close to pulling the trigger on a compact tractor a couple of times, but something always gets in the way. We need the money to fix the car, we need money to buy clothes for the kids, we need money to buy food for the table, stuff like that.

My wife, wonderful woman that she is, has been very supportive in my efforts to lose weight, but over the years her support has not been enough. I tip the scales at about 305 lbs, up from 225 when I married her 15 years ago. Today she told me that if I get down to 230 by next spring, I can purchase whatever tractor I want (currently thinking about anything from a Kioti CK20 to a Kubota B3030 and everything in between).

It seems like a good offer, and I am going to go for it, just to let her think she has the control in our relationship. Wish me luck.


I'm trying with all my might NOT to go in to a "Dr. Phil mode" on this one, so excuse me for doing so.

The simple fact that you've repeated the "she's not in charge" statement tells me maybe she IS.....? And the fact that you need to be bribed to do what will keep you ALIVE longer tells me maybe she SHOULD have some degree of control until you get your priorities in line.

I've been married (VERY happily) for almost 40 years now. We arrived at this point in our married life by NEITHER one of us feeling we needed to prove WHO was "in charge". If your wife has concern for your health and well being, you need to listen to what she has to say VERY CLOSELY. If she goes along with the program and lets you buy a new tractor, so much the better. Being married isn't about controlling someone. Granted, some marriages end up that way, but they aren't HEALTHY, HAPPY ones in most cases. Marriage a mutual partnership. Neither should have more control nor should either NEED control over the other. It's been my finding that you CAN'T control another person. You can MANIPULATE another person, but they don't always react the way you think they will in most cases. Then your attempt to control spirals out of control further. In an attempt to control and manipulate someone, generally they won't be a happy camper. When 50% of a marriage partnership is unhappy, the other 50% probably won't be for long, if ever at all.

DO THE RIGHT THING. LOOSE THE WEIGHT without condition. Or at the very least, TRY in ernest. You'll find then that you will earn respect from your partner, who will in turn, respect your wants and decisions. You might even respect YOURSELF more. The way to initiate those steps is to start by respecting your wife more, and NOT be so concern over who's "in charge".

And from a purely selfish point of view, who stands to GAIN the most by you LOOSING the weight? YOU DO, simple as that........ Now go do it!
   / 75 Pounds - Worth it? #9  
Start shopping now for the tractor of your dreams. That way, you will be constantly motivated for the weight loss and will be educating yourself about tractors at the same time.

I had a tractor (B7100) and felt I would be safer with a larger, heavier machine on the ground at the new place. I had strict limits regarding height, width, and price. Even with that, I spent over a year reading, looking, visiting, thinking, comparing, sitting on, etc. I got impressions of dealers, tractors, FELs, tranny's, colors, etc. I feel I ended up with a good choice, but still wonder about HST over gear now and then, and also still think I should have gotten the bigger engine every once in a while.

You can use your weight loss time well and end up with a perfect tractor. Go for it! To make it simpler, set up a bank account for the tractor. Every time you lose 5 lb or whatever weekly goal you set, put some money in the tractor fund. If you gain some back, take the money out. You will definitely want to keep the money in there!