Adjustable font size

   / Adjustable font size #1  


Elite Member
Mar 21, 2002
Yanmar YT347
Muhammud! TBN like many other sites, won't allow you to adjust the font size in your browser. I know that feature probably would scew up the look, but it sure would help those of us in the low vision crowd (ok - we are actually a gaggle)

Most times its no problems, but there are times when i can't get a big enough font...

Don't get me wrong - the site sure is great!
   / Adjustable font size #2  
One thing you might be able to try is decreasing your screen resolution.

Go to your Windows Desktop and right-click. Select the "Settings" tab and then go to the area in the lower right corner called "Screen Area" and move the slider down one click. Then click on "Apply".

On my computer, this makes the fonts on the whole desktop, including TBN larger - as they are when I use TBN on my homw computer which has the screen resolution set lower anyway.
   / Adjustable font size
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You are right - that is a huge help. There are so many confilcting demands, some sites won't work at less than 1024x768. etc. I am always moving up in monitor size ( as the prices drop...) I will switch to a flat screen, soon...

I really like it when I can use the control key with my wheel mouse to enlarge fonts on the fly. Sure helps to keep the eyestrain down....
   / Adjustable font size #4  

Go to the <A target="_blank" HREF=>display preferences page</A> and select a new style sheet with larger (or smaller) fonts. it basically goes up or down one size from what is being used now. /w3tcompact/icons/smile.gif
   / Adjustable font size
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OK - so I'm an idiot, how did I miss that. It is a big help and still keeps the formatting.

Thanks for a great site!