All-electric Bobcat compact track loader

   / All-electric Bobcat compact track loader #31  
Road vehicles are getting batteries almost twice this size.
I wonder what it costs?
Lastly, 4 hours then a recharge...they didnt talk about recharge time that I saw. Even so you could work, recharge during lunch on a Level 3 charger, then finish the day. Only need that level 3 charger at a new construction site....easy peasy lol

Oh I forgot to mention a L3 charger costs about $45k, not including installation costs to run 480V power.
I think Bobcats thinking is that in some/many construction sites a machine spends more time sitting that actually being run each day. Obviously this isn't the case always but it often is on multiman-mutimachine crews.
   / All-electric Bobcat compact track loader #32  
All the "green/EV" market does is move the ICE and exhaust upstrea.

A shitload of taxpayer money via subsidies surely
And when you move the pollution to a central point it's easier to clean up.
   / All-electric Bobcat compact track loader #33  
Electric drive motors and ball screws have been used on CNC equipment since the 80's so the bugs should be ironed out by now.
I mean, if still needing to 3-4x the size and 10-30x the cost of a comparable hydraulic cylinder are bugs than i would say they have not really been figured out yet. It would be much simpler to use a large electric actuator for something like a dump truck/trailer and even there it is not compelling. A skid steer's loader undergoes a lot of very high dynamic forces and you have to 'overbuild' the actuator for the loads it will actually exert outward, just to have it deal with the forces it will have to absorb or transfer inward. It's doable, but there are obvious reasons why noone does it.
   / All-electric Bobcat compact track loader #34  
This is how change happens. Something new is put out there, the public is unsure or suspicious in the beginning (and sometimes rightly so), over time problems get worked out, improvements are made (in this case batteries evolving, etc.), and eventually they become the norm.

The electric compact track loader is clearly not realistic for everyone but will be a solution for some. It also gives Bobcat a lead in getting into the electric market even if there are only limited sales in the beginning. Interested in sitting back and watching how this all evolves.
   / All-electric Bobcat compact track loader #35  
interesting the same way watching a train wreck is interesting. Here's the way I see it playing out. The government mandates electric equipment. Where Sunbelt leased one skid steer, two will have to be rented plus one large generator. The cost of construction goes up. Bobcat sells 2 skid steers instead of one. There are plus sides to this but overall, there is not.
   / All-electric Bobcat compact track loader #36  
the only way for this to be a good thing is for electricity to become cheaper and more reliable. As is our power grid is hanging on by a thread
   / All-electric Bobcat compact track loader #37  
The push for "renewable " electricity has increased cost and decreased reliability.
   / All-electric Bobcat compact track loader #38  
And when you move the pollution to a central point it's easier to clean up.
Not in the least bit. It makes the energy source more expensive and adds more regulations and layers of bullshit bureaucracy that do nothing but slow down progress and make things worse.
   / All-electric Bobcat compact track loader #39  
The video showing the loader working dried, powdered horse crap was impressive. Lol
   / All-electric Bobcat compact track loader #40  
The push for "renewable " electricity has increased cost and decreased reliability.
I mean, renewables are a solution, not the problem. The problem is that the old ways suck. I grew up in the shadow of a coal plant and, having seen a suspicious number of the family's pets die of aggressive breast cancers when I've never even heard of anyone else having TWO cases in the same household, Im just waiting for the other shoe to drop on the humans over here. Luckily both my parents have survived cancers so far.

The only reason renewables have so many issues right now is because they didn't get worked through 20+ years ago. In other words, we are LATE.