Anvil “repair” issue

   / Anvil “repair” issue #1  


May 6, 2020
Mahindra 2555

I was attempting to hardface a make-shift anvil for use at home, because real anvils are so dang expensive. Was putting on the hardfacing rod after pre-heating the block, and I saw what you see in the picture. I was even peening the beads, but it still cracked all over the place. What do I do now?? Am I just SOL?


   / Anvil “repair” issue #2  
I didn't think one would hard-surface anvil's to recondition them. I thought you simply ground the top enought to make it flat again.
   / Anvil “repair” issue
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Well... I’m not so much reconditioning as turning a non-anvil into an anvil. I bought the only non-hollow piece of steel at the scrap yard, and I was trying to put a hard face on it for the beating that it will endure. My hard facing, of course has cracked all over the place.
   / Anvil “repair” issue #4  
How large is what you are welding to?? Did you preheat it? I'll assume you don't know what alloy you got, but some don't take kindly to hard surfacing. :unsure:
   / Anvil “repair” issue #6  
Well... I’m not so much reconditioning as turning a non-anvil into an anvil. I bought the only non-hollow piece of steel at the scrap yard, and I was trying to put a hard face on it for the beating that it will endure. My hard facing, of course has cracked all over the place.
You don't need to hard surface a anvil, all you need is a "chunk" of steel (not castiron) to use as a anvil.... Want to buy a low cost real anvil.... These get good reviews from a lot of well known professional blacksmiths.... No the are not a Trenton or Peter Wright or Peddinghaus but will do the average metal banger and want-a-be smith very well...

   / Anvil “repair” issue #7  
I didn't think one would hard-surface anvil's to recondition them. I thought you simply ground the top enought to make it flat again.
You never grind down or machine flat an anvil....Period!... Some anvils like Vulcans only have a 1/4 inch tool steel top plate molecularly bond to cast iron base at time of casting, you grind or machine though steel plate and you have exposed the cast iron and have ruined the anvil forever...
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   / Anvil “repair” issue
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How large is what you are welding to?? Did you preheat it? I'll assume you don't know what alloy you got, but some don't take kindly to hard surfacing. :unsure:

It’s large! A 500 lbs chunk of steel. Yes, I did pre-heat it. I checked the temp with both a temp stick and an IR thermometer. Blue Demon HC 470 I think was the stick. It lays down pretty well, but then cracks. 🤦🏻‍♂️
   / Anvil “repair” issue
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This is the most accepted method most blacksmith use...

Other than the rod used, this was pretty much the process that I started. I never got to the finishing part. I’m not of the correct temp for pre-heating, though. My “anvil” is a solid piece of steel... not wrought or cast anything.