Any suggestions on a good "privacy" tree / bush?

   / Any suggestions on a good "privacy" tree / bush? #1  


Super Member
Feb 15, 2005
Mid north west in the state of N.C
Currently we have the electric company coming through after some local storms that want to start taking some trees down around the power lines.

Guys have been nice and will work with us, but it's bringing up a subject I've been procrastinating with.

Currently we've got about 300 yards worth of fully grown leyland cypress trees around the place, and sooner or later some of these will have to replaced (including some that are being taken down now). The previous owner of our place (who built it and did the landscaping) did a great job overall, but man, he put a lot of trees (include some nice maples) directly under all the power lines (added the fact I'm not sure how these current trees have lived so long due to the fact that they were planted no more than a couple of feet away from each other)

I'm hoping to find something that won't grow more than 10-15' high, good in North Carolina weather.

Can anyone suggest what they have and what they've been happy with that has provided "privacy" from either the road or their neighbors? Currently about 100 yards off to the side of the house we never have a clue whos living there as there always seems to be various cars/trucks in the driveway with "young people" coming in and out at all times of the day. I felt kind of un neighborly by not getting to know them, but it seems the previous neighbor I knew moved and the house may be rented out of some sorts. Didn't feel too bad when talking with my other neighbor while out back mowing that he didn't have a clue who was moving in and out over there as well as he gave up trying to "understand the situation" LOL Since the some of the trees have been cut down by the power company and would like to put something else over in that area.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Sincere thanks!
   / Any suggestions on a good "privacy" tree / bush? #2  
You want evergreens? Or what? Privacy to me, means LOS blocks. The leylands do that job rather nice.
   / Any suggestions on a good "privacy" tree / bush?
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You want evergreens? Or what? Privacy to me, means LOS blocks. The leylands do that job rather nice.

Agreed about leylands doing a good job, but primarily looking for something not to extend 10-15' in height due to the power lines. The ones we now have are a good 30' and have had a good 10 already taken down with a couple more to go. They also seem to have a tendancy to fall over just as easily as a bradford pear (I've had to cut up at least 4 or 5 myself that have come down on their own due to strong winds).
   / Any suggestions on a good "privacy" tree / bush? #4  
The Leylands are good but you will have to keep them trimmed as they will eventually reach 90+ foot when grown. Neighbor has a nice hedgerow of them but he tops them at about 15 feet every two years. They are each probably 15 foot across at their bases and are planted about 10 feet apart. You can't see anything through them.
   / Any suggestions on a good "privacy" tree / bush? #5  
You might want to read up on Wax Myrtles....I planted a good number on our farm this spring and they are doing great...they grow to 15 to 20 ft. tall and wide....nice looking , attract birds and wildlife and have medicinal qualities...In the early days their leaves were rendered to make candle wax....:thumbsup:
   / Any suggestions on a good "privacy" tree / bush? #6  
I also planted wax myrtles around my place and second Bob's suggestion. They are a native plant and will do well in drought conditions, also. They can get leggy and I occasionally trim them with the chainsaw to get fuller growth. They can also be rooted if you have the time and place.
   / Any suggestions on a good "privacy" tree / bush? #7  
I'd plant emerald green arborvitaes. They make a great natural privacy fence.
   / Any suggestions on a good "privacy" tree / bush? #8  
I'd plant emerald green arborvitaes. They make a great natural privacy fence.

Do the deer eat them? The deer here seem to eat everything except the cypresses. We are also looking for suitable plants for a privacy hedge alongside the road of our community RV storage area. Need about 250 feet of space filled with something that won't grow up to hit the power lines and that the deer won't destroy.
   / Any suggestions on a good "privacy" tree / bush? #9  
Do the deer eat them? The deer here seem to eat everything except the cypresses. We are also looking for suitable plants for a privacy hedge alongside the road of our community RV storage area. Need about 250 feet of space filled with something that won't grow up to hit the power lines and that the deer won't destroy.

On my buffet table :), the deer have not touched them yet. I plant leyland and giants, alternating, staggard, on one side of my property. So far, so good.
   / Any suggestions on a good "privacy" tree / bush? #10  

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