Anyone else do random acts of kindness?

   / Anyone else do random acts of kindness? #1  


Elite Member
Jun 11, 2003
Denton, TX
L3800 w/FEL and BH77, BX 2200 w/FEL and MMM
Does anyone else regularly do a random act of kindness for a stranger?

Not tooting my own horn, but I was talking to another guy I occasionally work with and learned he does a similar thing to me. It made me wonder how many folks might also do it.

I've traveled for my job for almost 35 years. At the end of a large job that has gone well, I'll pick out someone (or group) at a restaurant and pay for their dinner. I do it anonymously and just ask the waitress/waiter to give me their ticket and add it to my bill. I leave the restaurant before the person learns of their good luck. Unfortunately, there's also a crappy side that makes me wonder if a waiter/waitress ever failed to tell the person and figured out a way to pocket the money themselves. I'll let karma take care of that.
There's no rhyme or reason for who I pick, it might be some grandparents with their grandchild, an elderly couple out for the night, a young couple that look like they're on a date etc. Last night it was just a sole women eating all by herself.

The guy I work with will do the same thing. Sometimes he'll pick up someone's groceries in line. Or buy some stuff and add it to their cart (baby formula, diapers etc.)

Anyone else do something similar?
   / Anyone else do random acts of kindness? #2  
I do it but it's always for someone who needs it and can vary in amounts.

That reminds me of sitting in like at Chic-fil-a after I ordered and got to the window the girl told me my lunch was taken care of. I was astounded and questioned her. She finally told me by the car in front of me, a lady. I was telling my wife about it and she said no worries. She wasn't flirting with you. That's a thing these days to buy the car behind you their meal. Who knew?
   / Anyone else do random acts of kindness? #3  
I do stuff like that all the time. The other day I noticed a young family waiting for their food. The parents both looked like drug addicts and I was feeling sorry for the kids. Then to my surprise when the food came I saw them pray as a family. I watched how the parents helped the kids and were laughing and having fun with them. I picked up their tab and walked over on my way out and laid a $100 bill on their table.
   / Anyone else do random acts of kindness? #4  
Last night we attended a fund raiser for our Battered Womens Charity. The charity houses, feeds and gives job assistance to women who are battered in their relationship and are seeking a safe exit. Many times they arrive at the shelter with only te clothes on their back and a couple of kids. Since we are significant donors we got to sit at the Executive Directors table with other guests she invited.

At our table was a woman with an adult child that has been severely handicapped due to complications at birth. She has been caring for him for 36 years. He was in a large power wheel chair and was not able to talk. She had to feed him during dinner.

She was also the guest speaker as she was in a very bad domestic situation. More than once her husband threatened to killer and one time she had to bail out of his car to save her life. She had to leave her kids behind in the car. A long story short, she managed to get her kids back and got them to the shelter.

Now the act of kindness. At the end of the event they have a cake auction. One contributor who is a professional pastry chef baked about 25 exotic cakes which are auctioned off.

We asked the battered woman which cake she was going to bid on. When the cake came up we watched the bidding. The bidding started at $50 and the woman shortly dropped out. We picked up the bidding and bought the cake for $300. And then gave it to her! She was absolutely shocked that someone would do that for her. It was an act of kindness but more importantly it was a donation to the charity which will help many others.

Now that might seem to be a lot for a cake but 4 cakes went for over $1,000. The total contribution to the charity for the cakes was over $8,000.

Sometimes it just feels good to do the unexpected.
   / Anyone else do random acts of kindness? #6  
People that really need assistance aren't eating at a restaurant with today's prices. It's much wiser to cook at home with limited funds.
   / Anyone else do random acts of kindness? #7  
I do random act of kindness but rarely with money, I am poor enough as it is. I mostly do these acts when I am in a bad mood, the peoples reaction makes my day, my act are usually something like opening the door for someone, letting someone pass in front of me at drive through or in traffic, helping some elderly carrying their groceries things like that.
   / Anyone else do random acts of kindness? #9  
I will often buy lunch for soldiers or police officers. I try to do it anonymously. I also hold the door, let people in traffic, and most often I just smile at everyone.
   / Anyone else do random acts of kindness? #10  
Wife and I were out and about doing shopping and errands and went to the grocery store. Only one check out line had a live cashier. As we waited for our turn an older gentleman stopped behind us and exclaimed just one checkout person, I can't figure out those self checkout registers. He had a Vietnam Nam Veterans hat and a small cart with a few canned goods and a couple of frozen food packages. We checked out and I gave the cashier $15 and told her it's for the gentleman behind us, and if there is any change it is his to keep.