barn builder virgin

   / barn builder virgin #1  


Mar 10, 2016
JD or Kubota
as some of you may have read on my previous post I bought some land and it has an old barn on it that I plan on redoing.. I have already torn down most of the old walls and my next step will be to replace 1 maybe 2 or 3 of the poles. I will then have to make some small repairs to the front were it has gotten wet and the wood has rotted. I have app 4,000 board feet of pine ready to be sawed and stacked and dried.. I will then use this to cover the outside of the barn.. The main larger opening will be kept as is for my new tractor (plan on adding sliding doors) and will have someone build me a new 30x30 shop with slab attached on the right side.. Plan on doing metal trusses and a wood frame on the new part of the shed and then bat and boarding it to match the old barn to make it look like 1 big barn.. This is my first time tackling anything like this so any info or tips would be greatly appreciated.. I will post some pics later tonight if someone can tell me how to post them up.. I will keep this thread updated as I go with new pics..

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   / barn builder virgin #2  
To post pictures, while writing a post, click on "GO Advanced". Then choose "Manage Attachments". You can upload pictures from there by clicking on the + Add Files button located in the upper right corner. Upload some pictures and add them to your post.
   / barn builder virgin
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the shorter or smaller side of the barn will be torn off and this is where the new 30x30 shop will be attached. Also attached are a some pics of my sawtooth oaks I planted :)..
   / barn builder virgin #4  
Not sure what your questions might be. How to build the structure, making lumber, other qs?

After replacing any posts that you need to, I would put one or two bottom boards of treated lumber across the posts. Then attach 2x girts (horizontal members) about 2 foot on center around the exterior of the building. Then attach the pine boards vertically for the board and batton treatment.
   / barn builder virgin
  • Thread Starter
this is my first time doing anything like this so I am up for any bit of advice I can get :)… I guess to start off, what is the best way to replace the poles?? Do you get a post with a jack and slightly jack the roof and then remove the poles?? Also my grandfather was telling me that his past experience leads him to believe poles rot faster when quick crete is placed in the holes as opposed to dirt?? I plan on just using light poles bought from the power company to replace the bad poles (3 at most).. And did I understand you correctly that you would place horizontal boards every 2 feet going up?? I initially wasn't planning on using that many horizontal pieces but if thats best thats exactly what I will do.. AGAIN I am no carpenter and this is my first time doing something like this, but gotta learn some time right :)
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