Brown Recluse Bite

   / Brown Recluse Bite #1  


Platinum Member
Apr 25, 2005
East Ohio
Kubota L2800HST
I think I may have been bitten by a brown recluse on my cheek. I was putting up a tree stand when I started feeling a warm sensation on my cheek. After 24 hours, the bite developed a back/purple center about 1/4" square. The red swollen area is slightly larger thatn a quarter. The bite looks very similar to all the photos I have looked at, but I am not sick or in any pain, I feel fine. I went to a doctor who said he had never seen an insect bite like it before. He gave me a tetinus shot a some strong antibiotics. I have only been on the antibiotics for a day. It doesn't seem to be getting any better or worse. I had a relative that got bit by one and in the end, he used Ichthamol ointment to draw out the venom. I just started using some of that. Anyone have any experience with a recluse bite or any home remedies? Could this be some other type of bite that causes the skin to turn black?
   / Brown Recluse Bite #3  
I certainly agree with Hakim. If it is, in fact, a brown recluse bite, it can be quite serious and I'd want to find a doctor who is familiar with them.
   / Brown Recluse Bite #4  
I had an employee several years ago who was bitten by a Brown recluse, his wife, too.

Symptoms he relayed to me which they experienced are EXACTLY what you are indicating.

You MUST get medical attention NOW... the only resolution, as I recall, is surgical removal of the affected tissue... else, the affected area simply gets larger and larger....

I urge you to go to a hospital, immediately.... even if it is the weekend... enough time has passed that other alternatives are being ruled out.... please get assistance.
   / Brown Recluse Bite #5  

Thanks for posting the thread reference. It has some excellent information.

   / Brown Recluse Bite #6  
You have to find a doctor who knows how to treat a Brown Recluse bite. There is only one type of anti biotic that seems to have some affect on its bite (I think it is dopsone used to treat leprosy). The good news is it is not life threatening, but you must get the proper medical attention in order to circumvent any nasty side effects or scaring. Proper treatment is necessary to keep the infection local and not to let it spread. Find a doctor who knows.

   / Brown Recluse Bite #7  
I wonder if he listened to this sound advice? and why didnt he tell his First Doctor on what he thought it was? at least he would have been on the correct anti-biotics...

I came across a nest of those little ******** today, I know what they are by sight - they are active because of fall, and we have them in my area. Sprayed the area and I burned them with a vengence. Too many cases of necropsy to the flesh from these guys to take a chance
   / Brown Recluse Bite #8  
If you really got bit by a brown recluse I'd take it very seriously. My father got bit on the finger, and it turned black and rotted, and the medicine they gave him to kill the infection killed his liver, and he died.

They can be worse than being bit by a rattlesnake.

We are in Western Massachusetts, and my father's bite was in 2004.

I understand they are all over the country.
   / Brown Recluse Bite #9  
ducati996, sounds like you got all of them!

I wonder... I've seen photos but somehow can't quite seem to observe the "filddle"that they are supposed to have on their back.

If you happen to get a good photo that clearly shows this, along with something that shows size... a quarter maybe... could you post it.. would be helpful to all of us who don't immediately recognize the spider on sight.
   / Brown Recluse Bite #10  
Hey TexasJohn, hope this helps.



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