Buried the tractor

   / Buried the tractor #1  


Veteran Member
Apr 10, 2000
L4310hst-loader-hydraulic top link
Well it's been a long time since I really got the tractor wedged tight, but I did it about an hour ago. I really know better but hind sight is 20/20. She is sitting on the skidplate so I'll have some fun tomorrow after work.

Here is the topper the wife said if I didn't post about it she would!!! Whats even worse she does take great joy when I do a lu-lu with the tractor. Guess the good thing is that they are few and far between. Well some days you can be a hot cat and others well I guess it goes without saying.

I was boxblading in the front corner of my property making a ditch running over to my pond. Yes it was to wet I suppose to put the tractor in that deep but I was doing so good and was almost finished. Well in ten seconds flat she went thump no bottom just started spinning down and down and down and down she went. To dark to get it out tonight and I'm alittle upset at myself for this smooth move.
Live goes on.
   / Buried the tractor #2  
Gordon - With all your experience, I would've thought you'd have figured out some way to make believe you planned to do that! At least to your wife! /w3tcompact/icons/smile.gif

At any rate, it sounds like you're going to have some fun with the loader tomorrow!

   / Buried the tractor
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Well I sure can say this about her she was born in the dark but it wasn't last night! No wait thats it yea the tires is what done it not the operator the tires. If I had the Michelins that never would have happened. Maybe a good case for the new tractor.

Yup the loader will get a workout tomorrow. The shame of it is it's in the worst posibble location---of course---. Guess sometimes I expect alittle more out of the old girl than she is willing to give(the tractor that is).

The wife is loving life tonight---Mr my tractor never gets stuck. It wouldn't be bad if I'd done it in the woods with the winch on the back BUT IN MY OWN FRONT YARD--It will sure take some time to live this one down.

   / Buried the tractor #4  
Yeah, that's a tough one, alright. I think that, at the very least, you ought to get some new tires out of the ordeal. But I'd still push for the tractor. Then you could get the new tires with the new tractor!

   / Buried the tractor #5  
I have lots of wet areas on my land, and as a new tractor owner I am already worried about getting stuck where no tow truck can reach me.

Perhaps we can use this thread to discuss two things:

1. What precautions should one take before going into wet areas in terms of preparation or equipment (such as winches) or tools.

2. What techniques can you use all by yourself to get out of the slop if you get stuck.

   / Buried the tractor
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Glenn,--tow truck--as they say in the Bahamas bite your tounge man. On the serious side this isn't the first time I've done this and I'm not afraid to admit it. Usually I'm in the woods and have the skidder winch on the back so it's no problem well still alittle problem. I know much better to do what I did tonight so I got exactly what I deserved. Gave me a good ego check!!!

You will find that the frontend loader is key when there is nothing else to help you out. I've pushed the loader down and rolled the bucket to push myself out and also have done this to pull myself out. Alot depends on where the tractor is and whats around it. I've used logs, branches and limbs under the tires to build the tractor up and give it some traction. Usually when I get hung in the woods I've got chains on the rear tires so traction isn't the issue the bottomless ground is.

Another thing if you do get her wedged tight don't let it sit and idle for a long time. The vibration of the tractor works against you and pulls the water up out of the ground making a bad situation worse. Or should I say the making the slop into mush.

   / Buried the tractor #7  
Gordon, if you lived further north you could just leave your tractor there and by March the frost would have heaved it out./w3tcompact/icons/smile.gif

   / Buried the tractor
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Good one Glenn, but I can't wait that long I'm supposed to brush hog a couple acres tomorrow night so that idea is out.
   / Buried the tractor #9  
Gordon you need new rubber! I havn't stuck mine yet, but i only got 35 hrs on her. Mark you ever get yours stuck with the 19.5's on it? Well Gordon been their and done that. I got stuck so bad once [with the 1910] had to walk back and get kitty to pull my tractor out, lost about 3.5 hrs. of work. Is your Ford working? You could have your wife pull you out./w3tcompact/icons/smile.gif
   / Buried the tractor #10  
Rich - You just had to ask, didn't you? /w3tcompact/icons/smile.gif No, I haven't gotten stuck with the Michelins (I did with the Firestones, several times), but now that you've brought it up and I've announced it to the world, I'm sure I will soon.
