BX1860 leaking 2 of 3 vital fluids

   / BX1860 leaking 2 of 3 vital fluids #1  


Silver Member
Mar 20, 2010
SW Michigan
B 2320
Last Saturday I thought I'd scrape the last few inches of snow off the driveway in anticipation of a thaw heading our way. I was about 80% done when I smelled hydro fluid. I looked back at the back blade and saw the spray. SH%T, I jumped off the seat and looked and saw shiny hydro fluid on everything. I immediatly backed into the barn and shut it down. After seeing everything shiny wet with fluid I called the dealership. They agreed to pick up the tractor(free of charge) and repair it.
A few days later the truck showed up to take it away. As I drove it up on to the bed I noticed my shiny right front wheel, and didn't give it a second thought. As I watched my favorite machine ride down the road I went to close up the barn. Much to my dismay, a puddle of axle fluid was right where the right front tire was. Somehow with my simplest, easiest plowing of the winter I created two major leaks.
I called the dealership today, he said that this type of thing was very uncommon for such a new tractor(2010 80hrs). Should I be in the very worried state, I feel as if I'm nice to the tractor. I use it for things I feel are appropriate for it's size, etc.. I trust the dealership, but has anyone else had similar issues? How good is my warranty? They said the front hub seal? was leaking, and they hadn't had a chance to check into the leak in the rear yet.
I can only afford one tractor. Should I be concerned, trade or sell? I bought a Kubota over the others for reasons I still believe to be true, but feel a little uneasy about 150hrs, or down the road. I hoped to have this one little tractor for a long time, I'm concerned when something so new, and well mantained in my opinion, breaks on both sides. Luckily no oil leaks yet?!
   / BX1860 leaking 2 of 3 vital fluids #2  
This is not typical, but S&!t happens, the dealer will fix it. Rest easy. You probably won't see another leak in the next 5 years.
   / BX1860 leaking 2 of 3 vital fluids
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Thanks, I figured as much, but nice to have the positive reinforcement..
   / BX1860 leaking 2 of 3 vital fluids #4  
That's what warranty is for, my friend. It's just fluid. Shoot, every plumbing job I've ever done, I've had to do at least twice to stop the leaking. ;)

My 1860 came with a loose fitting and was leaking. I found it, tightened it myself and done. Still, I let my dealer and Kubota know about it. Stuff like that shouldn't get past the guy who puts the "inspector 14" sticker on the tractor. :D
   / BX1860 leaking 2 of 3 vital fluids
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Agreed, supposed to be a blizzard here Sunday. I guess I'll get the shovel back out. Maybe it will get me some sympathy from my dealer. (or the wife) I could use another one of those hats. I believe my boy took off with the 12,000 dollar one....
   / BX1860 leaking 2 of 3 vital fluids #6  
Agreed, supposed to be a blizzard here Sunday. I guess I'll get the shovel back out. Maybe it will get me some sympathy from my dealer. (or the wife) I could use another one of those hats. I believe my boy took off with the 12,000 dollar one....

It hurts to have the dealer drive off with your machine when there's a big one forecast. You guys are supposed to get 10". Got a neighbor you can rely on? You can always "pay him back".
   / BX1860 leaking 2 of 3 vital fluids #7  
Did you by chance have snow packed in the hubs and possibly around the input tranny shaft? Reason I ask is that I have seen it happen twice where water ran into and pooled in the area around a shaft seal and froze. When the machine was started again the ice tore the lip on the seal causing a leak. Not a common occurrence but under just the right circumstances it can happen.

   / BX1860 leaking 2 of 3 vital fluids
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Did you by chance have snow packed in the hubs and possibly around the input tranny shaft? Reason I ask is that I have seen it happen twice where water ran into and pooled in the area around a shaft seal and froze. When the machine was started again the ice tore the lip on the seal causing a leak. Not a common occurrence but under just the right circumstances it can happen.


I believe you have it. I noticed that everytime i plowed the inner hub was completely packed with snow. Hard to avoid, but you put it in a light that I hadn't thought of. I do store it in a barn, and run the heat long enough to melt it off, however that doesn't mean that it's totally dry.hmmmm???

bp, no neighbors to swap with. I'm the one who plows to keep the road wide etc.. guess we'll just have to ride this one out, unless any of my tbn buddies want to plow me out???
   / BX1860 leaking 2 of 3 vital fluids #9  
I dont have heat where I store my BX and maybe that why I had no issues? Packed snow stays as packed snow, not melting to ice shrapnel like. packed snow falls out under right conditions, where melted snow goes where no man can reach:laughing:. I don't think you need to be worried about your BX, its a resilient machine, but keep an eye out anyways! :thumbsup:
   / BX1860 leaking 2 of 3 vital fluids #10  
Seems to me that these leaks shouldn't have happened. One or the other, just bad luck, but two at the same time is double bad luck. I been real lucky with my 24 year old B 8200- never had any issues at all, as far as I know. But then, it only has 615 hours, and gets pretty good care in between uses. Still, packed snow, hard use is the norm.
Your tractor has the potential to be a reliable, trouble free machine, as far as I understand.