By golly I fixed it!

   / By golly I fixed it! #1  


Elite Member
Jun 23, 2006
Old Dominion
Kubota B1750
The screened porch on the back of our house was leaking for years. The roof pitch is very low and it was just getting worse. The plan is to eventually replace the porch - i.e. steel roofing was never an option.

I tried to fix it three times with left over shingles and tarp and it never really worked. Well, this time I used felt paper, glued it together with tar and troweled seams with roofing cement and it is really waterproof now. Maybe another coat of flat roof paint will protect the felt paper from sun and wind and it will hold till comes the time to rebuild it from scratch.

Now to my next impossible challenge - to find a job that pays more than poverty level and when I accomplish that I will move to the challenge of my life:

Learn how to whistle through my fingers:D:D
   / By golly I fixed it! #2  
to find a job that pays more than poverty level

Fear not for it mater's not what the pay scale is it will morph into poverty level when "She Who Must be Obeyed" gets into the elevated pay scale Mode!:D:D

Uh, I got a flat roof over my Sun room that needs the roofing material replaced.
   / By golly I fixed it! #3  
The screened porch on the back of our house was leaking for years. The roof pitch is very low and it was just getting worse. The plan is to eventually replace the porch - i.e. steel roofing was never an option.

I tried to fix it three times with left over shingles and tarp and it never really worked. Well, this time I used felt paper, glued it together with tar and troweled seams with roofing cement and it is really waterproof now. Maybe another coat of flat roof paint will protect the felt paper from sun and wind and it will hold till comes the time to rebuild it from scratch.

Now to my next impossible challenge - to find a job that pays more than poverty level and when I accomplish that I will move to the challenge of my life:

Learn how to whistle through my fingers:D:D
Well, I can't help you with a job, but I can help you with finger whistling. :D

Hold your hand palm up like you're going to slap yourself in the face.
Fold your two middle fingers in flat towards the heal of your palm.
Place your thumb against your index finger middle knuckle and use your thumb to push your index fingertip against your pinky fingertip. Try to keep your pinky and index fingers as straight as possible.
This forms a nice triangle with your finger tips and your two middle fingers tucked down.
Now stick out your tongue between your lips just enough to make it look like you have three lips.
At this point you look rather foolish, so practice in your garage or bathroom or somewhere out of site.
Touch your finger tips to your tongue tip and blow but don't let it out yet. Keep it in by not opening your lips. Try not to puff your cheeks.
Here comes the whistle....
SLOWLY push your tongue into your mouth with your fingertips. You will have to push back against your fingertips with your tongue. Kind of like a pushing match. Just enough pressure to keep a firm but not too tight area between your tongue tip and finger tips. As your little V of pinky and index finger push your tongue back past your lips, air will start to escape. Keep pushing in farther until you hear the whistle. The key is SLOWLY to find the sweet spot for the whistle. Once you hear it you can then adjust in our out until you get it. It takes some practice, but I can have most kids whistling in a few minutes. It makes an incredibly loud whistle and only takes one hand so you don't have to put down your beer when cheering for your team OR shaking your fist at the neighbors. :D

And you will get dizzy if you practice too hard or too long, so sit down before you pass out! ;)
   / By golly I fixed it! #4  
Fear not for it mater's not what the pay scale is it will morph into poverty level when "She Who Must be Obeyed" gets into the elevated pay scale Mode!:D:D

Uh, I got a flat roof over my Sun room that needs the roofing material replaced.

It is true, the more one earns, the more one tends to spend. And the 'NO's tend to get a bit fainter too :)

I would use the peel and stick on ice and water shield, Grace is a popular brand around here. That would be a huge improvement over felt paper and roofing tar. Start at the bottom and overlap as you go up the roof. It may be more expensive, but worth it for a roof you want to keep.

Probably not a commonly available product in VA.
   / By golly I fixed it! #6  
The young couple who owned the house next door to us hired a "handyman" to enlarge their patio and build a cover on it. It took a 3 man crew 3 days to build that cover; a job I figure one of my brothers and I (in spite of our age) could easily have done in one day. A day or two later, I saw the homeowner and told him that was going to leak because the "pitch" was less than 2" in 12'.:eek: They used asphalt shingles to match the existing house shingles. So he called his handyman who sent a two man crew and lowered the outer edge another 3", so they then had 5" in 12'; still ridiculous. Well, sure enough, every time it rained, it leaked. That handyman may not have known how to do a job, but at least he was honest. He came back 3 times to re-caulk, change shingles, etc. Finally after a few months, he asked a roofing man what to do and they glued down the rubber roofing material commonly used on RV roofs and finally got the leak stopped.
   / By golly I fixed it! #7  
Rubber roofing is the way to go on flat roofs.
   / By golly I fixed it! #8  
Hold your hand palm up like you're going to slap yourself in the face.
Fold your two middle fingers in flat towards the heal of your palm.
Place your thumb against your index finger middle knuckle and use your thumb to push your index fingertip against your pinky fingertip. Try to keep your pinky and index fingers as straight as possible.
This forms a nice triangle with your finger tips and your two middle fingers tucked down.
Now stick out your tongue between your lips just enough to make it look like you have three lips.
At this point you look rather foolish, so practice in your garage or bathroom or somewhere out of site.
Touch your finger tips to your tongue tip and blow but don't let it out yet. Keep it in by not opening your lips. Try not to puff your cheeks.
Here comes the whistle....
SLOWLY push your tongue into your mouth with your fingertips. You will have to push back against your fingertips with your tongue. Kind of like a pushing match. Just enough pressure to keep a firm but not too tight area between your tongue tip and finger tips. As your little V of pinky and index finger push your tongue back past your lips, air will start to escape. Keep pushing in farther until you hear the whistle. The key is SLOWLY to find the sweet spot for the whistle. Once you hear it you can then adjust in our out until you get it. It takes some practice, but I can have most kids whistling in a few minutes. It makes an incredibly loud whistle and only takes one hand so you don't have to put down your beer when cheering for your team OR shaking your fist at the neighbors. :D

And you will get dizzy if you practice too hard or too long, so sit down before you pass out! ;)

I hope I get this figured out before the wife and kids get home, other wise they'll think I've lost my mind or been hitting the hootch!!:eek:

I'm sure I look stupid!!!
   / By golly I fixed it! #9  
I hope I get this figured out before the wife and kids get home, other wise they'll think I've lost my mind or been hitting the hootch!!:eek:

I'm sure I look stupid!!!

Practice until you hyperventilate and pass out. Then they will come home and find you on the floor with your fingers in your mouth.:)
   / By golly I fixed it! #10  
As to a loud whistle - if your upper front teeth are close together you can get just as loud a whistle by placing your tongue up against them.


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