
   / Chemtrails #81  
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   / Chemtrails #83  
Here's an overview of the conspiracies presented above. Chemtrails explained and everything.

Plus a few more we haven't been told about. For the credulous.

   / Chemtrails #84  
On Joint Airborne Air Transportablity Training sorties, I enjoyed flying number three in formation to watch the contrails of the other two aircraft in front of me in the formation. The only thing coming out of the aircraft was exhaust emissions and paratroopers.

If you're looking for sinister behavior, look to who is buying up farmland. Sorry if I opened another can of worms for you.
   / Chemtrails #86  
   / Chemtrails #87  

   / Chemtrails #88  
Because you know the roughly million people in the aviation industry are knowingly poisoning themselves their families and everyone else while somehow keeping it from the other 329 million of us...
   / Chemtrails #89  
Doesn't help that Evergreen was/is has history of being a CIA front company....

Yep, but they are also primary government contractors for fire retardant air tanker planes. They also contract to fly fire crews in their small jets. Back in the day when I was on an incident management team, I flew in Evergreen planes several times.
   / Chemtrails #90  
On Joint Airborne Air Transportablity Training sorties, I enjoyed flying number three in formation to watch the contrails of the other two aircraft in front of me in the formation. The only thing coming out of the aircraft was exhaust emissions and paratroopers.

If you're looking for sinister behavior, look to who is buying up farmland. Sorry if I opened another can of worms for you.
You would say that, seeing as how it was a Joint Airborne Air Transportability thing. Everybody knows just how much questionable stuff you all dumped into the air. I heard that you all are also part of the Flat Earth Denial Administration. You can't pull the wool over our eyes, we know. BTW, did you see the aluminum foil on sale? I did, at one store. One store only. How am I gonna be able to make more hats for my friends and neighbors? It's a good thing I stocked up. And I'm not fooled by that tin foil hat business. Nobody uses tin foil anymore. It just isn't available, the government bought all the tin foil and all the tin foil mills too years ago. They use all the tin foil to wrap around the sound stages that were used for the moon landing fakery. They need to protect that operation from alien spies that escaped from area 52. Or area 51. I try so hard to keep track. There are just too many JAAT operations. Sheesh!