Coffee, and Expresso grounds in the food garden.

   / Coffee, and Expresso grounds in the food garden. #31  
Reading this I thought man, what a great idea. Have to tell the wife to put our grounds out on the garden. Then I remembered we have a Keurig... :duh:
   / Coffee, and Expresso grounds in the food garden. #32  
I wonder if you put a bowl of coffee grounds out would the squirrels eat it? probably too bitter, but?
can you just imagine the antics of your local squirrels if they all got a full dose of high test?
   / Coffee, and Expresso grounds in the food garden. #33  
I have a planter for tomatoes just beyond my door. I spread all of my coffee grounds into the soil there. The tilth of the soil is much improved and there is a tremendous increase in the number of earth worms. I throw a few scrap pieces of drywall board into it to add lime.