Could I transport hay on the arm of a backhoe?

   / Could I transport hay on the arm of a backhoe? #1  


Super Member
Sep 23, 2009
Lower Up State S.C.
AC WD 34 hp/3500 lbs MF 261 60 hp/5380 lbs
I'm wanting an additional used tractor and would like to have a full sized industrial backhoe, something on the order of a Case Construction King. I'd like to be able to haul a 4x5 ft bale on the front and another on the back. My question is only a little more than what's stated in the title. If I'd fit a large capacity thumb or spear to the bucket arm, and tuck the bale close to the tractor, would there be issues with me moving hay around the pasture on the backhoe arm? It's probably apparent, my experience with I backhoes is next to non-existent.
   / Could I transport hay on the arm of a backhoe? #2  
I don't think I would use the hoe for that. If you want a Backhoe get one but don't invent a use that's marginal. You sure could put a spear on the loader and do what you wish though.
   / Could I transport hay on the arm of a backhoe? #3  
TLBs have small front tires in comparison to AG tractors and you will be bouncing around a lot. What you gain in carrying capacity you will likely lose in travel speed and time.
   / Could I transport hay on the arm of a backhoe? #4  
I have done it without issues, BUT not for long hauls--sort hauls to the wagon no issues
   / Could I transport hay on the arm of a backhoe? #5  
My tlb is front end light. If you put a bale on the front first you’d probably be alright.
   / Could I transport hay on the arm of a backhoe? #6  
I own an industrial. I'm trying to envision what you are describing.... but aside from that, we also have some large round bales here that are evidently being stored. (leased land to farmer who created them and now, lease is over but he's still got 20 or so round bales lined up (and getting in my way))

My fear with moving the bales with my backhoe is bluntly, crushing them. I know NOTHING about them and how sturdy they might be.

Weight wise.... I've moved some deceptively large (entire) trees with my hoe but, they were heavily "pinched" with the bucket and I'd wonder if that would rip the bale of hay to shreds?? I have no idea.

I've asked my wife's cousin to contact that farmer about his hay.... that I would like it gone so I can clean up that area by the barn.... if he prefers, I'm HAPPY to move them outside the fence for him however, I can't make any guarantee that they will not be damaged.

We also have a large tractor and (as I've learned) an old hay spear (wife's uncles) in the woods. I think it's a CAT 2 and I think the current tractor is a CAT 3... so I don't know if it would fit.

None the less, I could get every one of those bales moved with the backhoe one way or another. If the bales are able to stay together, then I'd have no qualm in trying to scoot them between the back of the machine and put the bucket on the far side, under them to try to hug them to the back with a tiny bit of support under them.

Then, when you're done, you can take your backhoe & go transplant your wife's Petunias! (ask me how I know)
   / Could I transport hay on the arm of a backhoe? #7  
As front end light as a hoe already is just make yourself a double fork for the front. I carry 4 at a time with my kubota with my pallet forks up front and a single on the rear surely as heavy as a hoe is built it can handle 2 on the nose
   / Could I transport hay on the arm of a backhoe?
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Thanks to all for your replies. I like to get good advice from those who've done things I haven't before spending my money on machinery.
   / Could I transport hay on the arm of a backhoe? #9  
Forks in the bucket, carry two up front. Looking out the window, not a lot support for a bale in the hoe of the 580.
   / Could I transport hay on the arm of a backhoe? #10  
Forks in the bucket, carry two up front. Looking out the window, not a lot support for a bale in the hoe of the 580.