Creating firebreaks

   / Creating firebreaks #1  


Aug 24, 2001
Calgary, AB, Canada
Kubota B1700HST
It looks like it might actually rain a bit here after 2 months of sun and wind so now I can risk tilling a firebreak along the highway upwind of my acreage. Question is: How wide should I make the firebreak? I have mowed the grass down to lawn height along the highway but how many feet of dirt should I turn up downwind from the fence? 3 feet doesn't seem wide enough considering the wind around my place can average 30-50 mph for days (weeks? months?) at a time.
Does anyone have experience or suggestions they can share?
   / Creating firebreaks #2  
"The width of the fireline is dictated by the fuel, topography and fire behavior. AS A GENERAL RULE, THE FIRELINE SHOULD BE AT LEAST 1-1/2 TIMES AS WIDE AS THE PREDOMINATE FUEL IS TALL. In area's where you normally expect extreme fire behavior(high wind area's), the width of the fire line should be at least 2+ times the the fuel height.Many times firelines will have toi be much wider, compensating for expected flame length and wind direction."
"Fire Fighters Handbook on Wildland Firefighting", William C. Teie

As a firefighter, I would recomend contacting your local dept, and ask for thier recomendations for your specific area.

RobertN in Shingle Springs Calif
   / Creating firebreaks
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Excellent advice, thanks for your help!