Damaged block installing block heater L5240

   / Damaged block installing block heater L5240 #482  
"Worn to pieces"? :D
   / Damaged block installing block heater L5240 #484  
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   / Damaged block installing block heater L5240
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I would say the OP developed a special relationship to his tractor. It sure would be interesting if everything held up.
All is still well. Never did fix the front crank seal. leaks about a quart every 6 months. Close to 500 hours since the open heart surgery. Getting ready to do front axle seals on both sides and new front tires soon.

One thing that did change after the rebuild... When cold starting below 30 degrees (with block heater), I hear a slight interference whining noise in the engine for about 45 seconds. As the tractor begins to warm, it gets fainter and ultimately goes away. It was not there before the rebuild. No metal in the pan so I am not too concerned about it.
   / Damaged block installing block heater L5240 #486  
One thing that did change after the rebuild... When cold starting below 30 degrees (with block heater), I hear a slight interference whining noise in the engine for about 45 seconds. As the tractor begins to warm, it gets fainter and ultimately goes away.
This could be the hydraulic pump cavitation till it gets oil.
   / Damaged block installing block heater L5240 #487  
When I bought my zd1211 I took the zero % financing with kubota insurance. Sales guy said it would cover anything including stupidity.
This could qualify?)
   / Damaged block installing block heater L5240 #488  
For those new to this thread, it's a great read of a situation that went from an extreme problem to a series of logical decisions to fix it. Lots of submitted commentary along the way.

Adiredneck--Maybe post some photos and comments of your front seal replacement when the time come. Put a link to the thread in here so we can find it.

   / Damaged block installing block heater L5240 #489  
This could be the hydraulic pump cavitation till it gets oil.
I was thinking about what has all happened to this motor. It got removed from the tractor and a sleeve installed if I remember correctly. It could well be that there is a small air leak in the suction line from the reservoir (most likely the transmission in this case) to the pump. It might not hurt to check the connections.
   / Damaged block installing block heater L5240 #490  
This was is a great thread

some highlights- like the gentlemen that did the work were not some youngsters and probably seen it all as far as block damage and repair.

"Shop foreman took me to meet with a guy working in the back. I'd guess he was around 70. Shop foreman says this guy needs to see if we can sleeve his engine. Has a crack in it. He never said the word hole, or drilled. I said actually it's a couple of holes I drilled in it. Man looks at me and says "frost plug was giving you trouble, huh"? Smiles and says "seen that a few times before".

We went out and looked at my block. He looks it over good, I spin it over so he can see how far down the piston goes. "We can fix it", he says. Goes over the whole process. I asked him what to do with the holes after the sleeve is in. "Nothing", he says. Says the liner will fit so well, I would really have to overheat it to get any antifreeze past it. As for the Antifreeze hurting the liner, he said unless your PH is way off, it won't hurt the liner. It's made of the same thing as the rest of the block. I mentioned possibly putting permatex in the holes from the frost plug hole and he said it wouldn't hurt, but not necessary.

Says unless you have a crack from top to bottom, they can usually sleeve a cylinder.

I'm going to have them hone cylinder 3. He wondered if I had a broken ring to put that gouge in there. I'll find out soon if that's the case.

Somewhere back someone made a comment about the cleaning/rinsing solution eating up cam bearings. They said up until about 15 years ago, that was true, but now the solution is much gentler. He said I may lose a little paint, that's all.

So my total cost is estimated to be between $800 and $1000, including the machine work."

Pic of installed liner -Looking Good:

Great job by the OP as well and glad to hear she is running well.


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