Diesel Exhaust Linked with Heart Attack, Stroke in Men

   / Diesel Exhaust Linked with Heart Attack, Stroke in Men #1  

Rara Avis

Veteran Member
Oct 9, 2006
John Deere
Diesel Exhaust Linked with Heart Attack, Stroke in Men

Increased roadway pollution produced by diesel fuel in vehicles is leading to a cascade of conditions that could result in heart attack or stroke, researchers suggested in the report of a small study presented at the American Heart Association's Scientific Sessions 2007.

Heart attack is the leading cause of firefighter death in the United States, and nearly all fire apparatus are diesel powered. United Kingdom and Swedish researchers found that diesel exhaust increased clot formation and blood platelet activity in healthy volunteers which could lead to heart attack and stroke.

"The study results are closely tied with previous observational and epidemiological studies showing that shortly after exposure to traffic air pollution, individuals are more likely to suffer a heart attack, said Andrew Lucking, M.D., lead author of the study and a cardiology fellow at the University of Edinburgh in the United Kingdom." This study shows that when a person is exposed to relatively high levels of diesel exhaust for a short time, the blood is more likely to clot. This could lead to a blocked vessel resulting in heart attack or stroke.

The double-blind, random, cross-over study included 20 healthy men, 21 to 44 years old. They were separately exposed to filtered air (serving as a control) and to diluted diesel exhaust at 300 micrograms per cubic meter, a level comparable to curbside exposure on a busy street.

Researchers performed the exposures in a specially built diesel exposure chamber. At two hours and at six hours after exposure, researchers allowed a small amount of participants blood to flow through a perfusion chamber. They measured clot formation, coagulation, platelet activation and inflammatory markers after each exposure.

To measure clot formation, researchers used low- and high-shear rates, recreating flow conditions inside the body's blood vessels. Compared with filtered air, breathing air with diluted diesel exhaust increased clot formation in the low-shear chamber by 24.2% and the high-shear chamber by 19.1%. This was seen at both two and six hours after diesel exposure.

The researchers also found an increase in platelet activation, assessed by measuring the number of platelets associated with white blood cells. Platelets play a central role in blood clotting, and when they are activated, they associate with white blood cells such as neutrophils and monocytes, Lucking said. Diluted diesel exhaust inhalation increased platelet-neutrophil aggregates from 6.5% to 9.2% and platelet-monocyte aggregates from 21% to 25% at two hours after exposure. At six hours, researchers found a trend toward platelet activation, but it was not statistically significant.

After exposure to diesel exhaust, the participants had increased levels of activated platelets that became attached to white blood cells, he said. When activated, the platelets can stick together and form a clot. High levels of traffic pollution are known to increase the risk of heart attack in the immediate hours or days after exposure. These findings provide a potential mechanism that could link exposure to traffic-derived air pollution with acute heart attack.

It's unclear whether these findings would apply to gasoline-powered engines, Lucking said. Diesel engines generate many times more fine pollutant particles than comparable-sized gasoline engines.

The researchers plan to collaborate again with researchers at the University of Umea, Sweden, to test particle traps retrofitted on diesel engines to determine whether these devices are effective in reducing diesel particles.
   / Diesel Exhaust Linked with Heart Attack, Stroke in Men #2  
Another good reason to take an aspirin a day (thins the blood).
I've had my stroke...not a pleasant experience.
I strongly reccomend any man 35 plus in age take that aspirin daily.
   / Diesel Exhaust Linked with Heart Attack, Stroke in Men #3  
Funny thing about this study.

Fire engines only see a few hundred hours of operation a year, if that.

If you really want to study the effect of diesel exhaust, why not look at truck drivers, who operate for thousands of hours per year.
   / Diesel Exhaust Linked with Heart Attack, Stroke in Men #4  
RoyJackson said:
Another good reason to take an aspirin a day (thins the blood).
I've had my stroke...not a pleasant experience.
I strongly reccomend any man 35 plus in age take that aspirin daily.

While I take my one asprin a day (I'm 36), My dad was also a believer in an asprin a day. 2 years ago this coming June, he had a hemmoragic stroke in his cereberal cortex (blead out, as opposed to the more common clot stroke). My mom wasn't thinking straight, and drove him herself to the ER. It probably saved his life, because if she would have called an ambulance, they would have probably given him a clot buster and killed him on the spot.

no more asprin for him. His was caused by high blood pressure (~200 over 100).

Keep your BP under control guys!
   / Diesel Exhaust Linked with Heart Attack, Stroke in Men #5  
So maybe people ought to suck down an extra 81 a day for few days after using a diesel tractor? (if I recally correctly, the maximum dose is 48 :eek: of the 81s in a 24hr day)

Also, some studies have shown other NSAIDs such as ibuprofen, if used long term, will nullify the cardioprotective benefits of aspirin. I have seen no studies for short term effects, aspirin vs. ibuprofen/acetominifen/...

And if you drive your tractor then take a long air flight, just think of the increased risk of DVT!
   / Diesel Exhaust Linked with Heart Attack, Stroke in Men #6  
The good news is, if you get cut real bad, run for the exhaust pipe of the nearest diesel engine.

But seriously, good find Paul. I always did hate the smell of diesel fumes. Why is it I always know when I'm behind a Powerchoke? No other diesel smells as strong to me.
   / Diesel Exhaust Linked with Heart Attack, Stroke in Men #7  
Check out Bromelain in place of aspirin. A pineapple derivative that is an anti inflammatory and a blood thinner. I hear bad things about constant aspirin use. Macular degeneration, gastrointestinal problems, pancreatic cancer, hemorrhagic stroke, acid reflux, etc. Some of these are probably well founded.
   / Diesel Exhaust Linked with Heart Attack, Stroke in Men #8  
Maybe I'll check that out since I'm allergic to aspirin.

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