driveway back blade.

   / driveway back blade. #21  
I am starting to wonder if weight might be an answer to helping me get work done with the blade.

Easy answer is: YES!

I had 5' back blade that I'd picked up in a package purchase (was after a nice box blade- 5') and found that unless you're spreading loose stuff it was pretty much useless (and it was, as non-hydraulic ones go, a higher end unit). Contrast this to my 1,200 lb box blade on my NX and I can scrape the heck out of just about any surface (was at the neighbor's a while back and he was doubting that I'd be able to scrape a section of his driveway; not only yes, but I was also able to quite readily pop out some embedded concrete, which he was happy to have done). I don't have a hydraulic tilt, but for my uses I don't really need one (couldn't justify it); I'd think that with a back blade it would likely be a must-have. Best leveling that I've been able to do (though it's a box blade it's really all that different than a back blade as far as the physics of things go) works best pushing (going in reverse); as airbistcuit recommends, I suppose that a gauge wheel would make a lot of difference (going in reverse gets a bit old after a while!).