Driveway Material

   / Driveway Material #1  


Bronze Member
Feb 17, 2011
South Arkansas
2010 Case Farmall 45 HST
I live off of a red dirt road, the cheap gravel the county and logging companies use for roads here in Arkansas. My house is a reddish brown brick. Our once gravel driveway is so old that it is now basically just dirt after 40 years of car travel. I'm looking to resurface it this month. I'd like to use SB2, but I'm afraid the blue stone will look weird with the color house we have and coming off of the red dirt road. I'd like to stay away from the red dirt/gravel the county uses for the road because I'm afraid it will just create a problem of tracking sand/dirt into the house. Is there anything similar to SB2 that has a red tint I could use?
   / Driveway Material #2  
I'd say function over form. The SB2 packs well and stays put. I'd venture nobody will really notice your driveway other than you. The color of the limestone will darken up in a couple of weeks.
   / Driveway Material #3  
I don't know your local term of SB2, but the main cost of rock is hauling it. What is closest to you is going the be the cheapest. I wouldn't worry about the color too much, in time it will seem normal. My number one priority would be drainage. If you have good drainage, and I'm guessing you must if you are able to get to and from your house without any stone on it, then the next most important thing is to make sure you get the right type of stone and that you put it on thick enough to function properly. The stone must vary in size from fines up to about two inches with jagged edges. Once compacted, the stone will lock together to form a water tight surface. It has to be at least four inches thick to do this. If it is not that thick, it will move around on you as you drive over it and when it rains, the fines will get washed out and the bigger rocks will not lock together, creating pot holes. Eventually it will all just sort of fall apart. Thicker is better, but of course, it's more money.
   / Driveway Material #4  
Eddie SB2 is crushed granite 3/4 " with fines.
It packs down hard and works well.
   / Driveway Material #5  
I went with 3/4 crushed stone washed no fines. So don't have to listen to wife complain plus the car floor mats are cleaner. Been two year now still plenty of rock grass is growing in a places we don't drive on which is fine with me
   / Driveway Material #6  
Eddie SB2 is crushed granite 3/4 " with fines.
It packs down hard and works well.

Thanks. We have limestone where I'm at. Granite would be better I think. It's a long harder then limestone!!!!