Feedback is nice.

   / Feedback is nice. #1  


Veteran Member
Oct 6, 2006
South Australia
Kubota B1550HSD
Why don't some people who post a question, and get good advice, provide a followup for the benefit of all TBN members? I've had 2 private messages recently from members who earlier posted threads about specific problems. They emailed me a few days later to say thanks and what a difference my, and other members, advice had made. One even commented that their tractor was now performing like a new machine. But they havent posted any comments like that on the thread itself. Please understand that I'm not after praise here. I just think its important that if advice is given that solves the problem then all members should be made aware of it. Its how we learn.
   / Feedback is nice. #2  
The non-conclusive thread is a problem on all forums. I do think it's caused mostly by short-term users needing a fix to a problem. They Google their problem, find the forum, register and post a problem. They don't use the forum long enough to see how posts benefit all users and future users. They aren't creeps taking advantage, but just haven't recognized the value of archives.

I don't know of a simple solution. Requiring new users to pass a "forum-courtesy" quiz might work, but might discourage browsers from registering.

I've sent polite non-confrontal emails to users who have dropped the thread and directly emailed me for information. I try to explain how forums and archives work.

By the way, alchemysa, I can give you a lot more information about this. Just email me. :mad: :confused: :(
   / Feedback is nice. #3  
alchemysa said:
... I just think its important that if advice is given that solves the problem then all members should be made aware of it. Its how we learn.
It is just as important to know when advice did not work..

Something like "Thank you, I tried your suggestion but it didn't work for me." warns others that the suggestion may not be a sure fired solution for everyone with that problem.

FWIW I use the archived threads of this and/or other product/manufacture specific forums almost daily. A little searching _usually_ keeps me from trying to re-invent the wheel :) The threads with feedback are by far the most useful.

Talon Dancer
   / Feedback is nice. #4  
TedLaRue said:
By the way, alchemysa, I can give you a lot more information about this. Just email me. :mad: :confused: :(
Ha ha ha ha
Yeah I hate it when I search the internet and find a post on a forum that describes my problem exactly only to find either no conclusion or worse yet "I fixed it myself thanks anyway" and no explanation. :mad::mad::mad:
These forums seem better than most in this regard.
   / Feedback is nice. #5  
I try to remember to come back to a thread I've started but admittedly sometimes forget to do that. I don't use the subscription thingy in order to cut down the email load.

Besides, I think that it's a fine thing for a wordy sumbutch like me to show the amount of consideration to others that is demonstrated by NOT returning to re-bore the pants offa' fellow users.

Bernie, that new hat is twice as dumb as your earlier dumb hat. Did your wife have a baby?
   / Feedback is nice. #6  
Yep, you are right, the only reason that I have not added a thanks is I thought that it would clutter up the threads, I guess that's a silly reason, in retrospect.

I would like to give a HUGE thanks to every here that has given advice, shared their experiences, and helped me learn about the fine art of tractoring, while having a laugh or two along the way.

(Also providing a place where I can admit my stupid mistakes in handling machinery without fear of a public flogging. )

And a big thanks goes out to the forum providers and moderators, your systems work great, I can only remember one time there was a database error (hope you didn't have to go back to tape to fix it ;) )

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
   / Feedback is nice.
  • Thread Starter
dannydan3 said:
Yep, you are right, the only reason that I have not added a thanks is I thought that it would clutter up the threads, I guess that's a silly reason, in retrospect.

Its not 'thanks' that's wanted. Its simply a response that says "Yes I tried it and it did (or did not) work".

There would be less 'clutter' and fewer duplicate questions if threads had some kind of conclusion.

Of course a Thank You is always nice too.
   / Feedback is nice. #8  
alchemysa said:
Why don't some people who post a question, and get good advice, provide a followup for the benefit of all TBN members? I've had 2 private messages recently from members who earlier posted threads about specific problems. They emailed me a few days later to say thanks and what a difference my, and other members, advice had made. One even commented that their tractor was now performing like a new machine. But they havent posted any comments like that on the thread itself. Please understand that I'm not after praise here. I just think its important that if advice is given that solves the problem then all members should be made aware of it. Its how we learn.

A while back I was considering a post like this one, I had found threads with a question I also had, but there was no closure! I guess I just decided to " accept the things I can not change" Sure would be nice if all the gems would shine to the end.

TedLaRue said:
By the way, alchemysa, I can give you a lot more information about this. Just email me. :mad: :confused: :(

:D chuckle, chuckle, snort, :D
   / Feedback is nice.
  • Thread Starter
TedLaRue said:
By the way, alchemysa, I can give you a lot more information about this. Just email me. :mad: :confused: :(

No need, I found the answer elsewhere.

(Thats a little joke)
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   / Feedback is nice. #10  
hill said:
Bernie, that new hat is twice as dumb as your earlier dumb hat. Did your wife have a baby?
New? Dumb? Twice??
Oh thats right the one before was no hat that was my head:D:D
I keep meaning to change that but I have been lazy about getting a new picture. This one makes my wife laugh.