Fighting 'Solar Farm' Installation

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   / Fighting 'Solar Farm' Installation #261  
In South Carolina I see commercial solar farm/factories becoming more and more abundant. Large acreages. Most people need to make money on their lands whether growing trees, farming, cows, etc. I don't harbor ill feelings on solar. But I do have feelings on esthetics. But I have other questions.

Without federal subsidies I do not see how a commercial solar factory/farm could be profitable. These companies are paying thousands of dollars per acre to the landowner to lease the land for panels each year. (More than a farmer could make farming). Those companies also pay the difference when the land is rezoned to a different commercial use. Each year panels lose some of their effeciency through age, not to mention the newer panels being produced all along are more efficient than what is already installed. There is some land degradation from panels leaching, too. I don't see how these commercial solar companies will be in business in ten or thirty years considering the costs. What happens if the company bails or goes bankrupt? What happens if your heirs don't want those panels on the family farm? To me this sounds like a pyramid scheme funded by subsidies and I wonder about the long term viability of those solar companies. Remember how to get rich quick with ostrich farming?
All things to consider. Ultimately the taxpayers pay and utility bills increase. Never a free lunch. Those who don't buy EVs still pay more for power.
Our power company charges 14c/kwh now, they will buy residential solar back, but at 3c/kwh.
   / Fighting 'Solar Farm' Installation #262  
Hey and don’t forget about all the DEAD WHALES beaching off New Jersey from the offshore windmills sonar!
How about all the Eagles and birds killed by windmills?

Where’s all the “environmentalists” on the dead whales & birds?

Don’t care about wildlife preservation anymore???
   / Fighting 'Solar Farm' Installation #263  
Its funny because we are on a tractor site and I get to bring the word Kubota into this ......AND .....for at least two months each winter when well below freezing, they need to use fossil fuels ( diesel) , to sweep each solar panel.
If I got on base 10 times every 12 attempts I'd be a superstar!
   / Fighting 'Solar Farm' Installation #265  
Hey and don’t forget about all the DEAD WHALES beaching off New Jersey from the offshore windmills sonar!
How about all the Eagles and birds killed by windmills?

Where’s all the “environmentalists” on the dead whales & birds?

Don’t care about wildlife preservation anymore???
Actually, I hate wild life, that's why as a farmer I am happy about the fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides that I spray in my fields,,, kills a crap load of wildlife, and that is good.

Why can't you ever have a serious conversation?
   / Fighting 'Solar Farm' Installation #266  
Hey and don’t forget about all the DEAD WHALES beaching off New Jersey from the offshore windmills sonar!
How about all the Eagles and birds killed by windmills?

Where’s all the “environmentalists” on the dead whales & birds?

Don’t care about wildlife preservation anymore???
   / Fighting 'Solar Farm' Installation #267  
Actually, I hate wild life, that's why as a farmer I am happy about the fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides that I spray in my fields,,, kills a crap load of wildlife, and that is good.

Why can't you ever have a serious conversation?
I don’t spray any fertilizers, herbicides or pesticides.
My conversation is VERY serious. Stop deflecting.
Why can’t you ever stop inserting your foot in your mouth? :ROFLMAO:
   / Fighting 'Solar Farm' Installation #268  
you guys get lots of sun year round so if there is one place that it can work it’s there … can’t speak about the wind i don’t know enough about your area
Wind is very abundant in the winter and spring. Too abundant for my liking.
   / Fighting 'Solar Farm' Installation #269  
Nope, but they’re already here, so the don’t have to “spring up out of the fields like tulips” now, do they?
You are aware coal plants can be converted to NG, right?
Or are you unaware that all this solar & windmill fantasy requires seizure of land, construction from scratch costing many billions and manufacturing and mining in foreign countries which costs many more billions and increases all our energy costs?

If you just leave the plants we have, convert them to clean NG, we wouldn’t have to spend or build 1/100th as much and we’d be energy independent and still FAR cleaner than coal-burning China.

Don’t you see how these people just guilt the US into building all this crap (manufactured by them) then turn around and burn coal in their country? Do you see what a competitive edge that gives them? Why do you think they build a new coal fired plant like 1-2 times a month there?

You won’t be talking solar panels made in China when you see that people won’t be able to afford energy in this country anymore. Poor people freezing to death might just come up as a leading cause of death in this country in the near future.
You are correct some of the coal plants can be converted to natural gas but I don't see where that can be done without any kind of energy expenditure to create the components that are needed for these conversions. Also, natural gas plants are not clean, they are cleaner than coal plants, but they still produce a massive amount of CO2.

China is building called coal fired plants because they have a lot of coal and a lot of slave labor to build and run the plants. It is not a good economic model for the United States.

Why are you so concerned about all these people that are going to freeze? We have enough social safety nets in this country to take care of all of those that don't work hard enough to find ways to heat their homes on their own. Pretty sure you can sleep at night not worrying about someone that you don't know or have never seen.
   / Fighting 'Solar Farm' Installation #270  
And they are killing us, too. It doesn’t stay within their borders.

The bigger point is while they brainwash America into spending trillions on this green energy farce, they continue to beat us 6 ways to Sunday in manufacturing.

Is the game they’re playing becoming more clear to you? They guilt us into spending 2-3X what we spend to make electricity while they use cheap, plentiful coal & gas?
We need to do what is best for our country and quit fixating on what China does. I remember the disgusting air and water pollution of the 1970s, you might be too young to remember. It’s far better today because we did what is best to clean up our country.
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