First big Project

   / First big Project #1  


Bronze Member
Jun 1, 2007
Elysburg, PA
TYM 273
Hi Folks,

I'd thought I'd post some pics of my first real project with the new tractor. I know for most of you, cutting in a road isn't much of a chore, but I wanted to get a feel for the tractor and at the same time get something worthwhile accomplished. I decided to build a road along the edge of our bass pond. It's always been a ankle buster to try and get to the fish, so I thought this would be the perfect 1st project.


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  • Pond-Road2.jpg
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  • Tractor.jpg
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   / First big Project #2  
And the fun begins LOL. Grab a tooth bar for your loader and it will wake up the front end. Nice tractor
   / First big Project #3  
That is a nice road. :D

You surely have some previous tractor experience??:D

Just a note: For real beginners the pond side portion of the road could be a little tricky especially with the water below waiting for an oooppsi!:D :D :D
   / First big Project #4  
Good job! Was all of that road done with the loader and backhoe, or did you use something else?
   / First big Project #5  
Nice place for a drive!!! The pond really makes it look inviting and beautiful.

Did you crown the road? It's hard to tell from the pics, but if you dont have a crown on it, water will erode it faster then you can add material. Dig a ditch on the hill side to channel water off the road and you'lll iliminate most of your maintenance issues. Add more culverts then you think you need and you'll never have any issues.

The secret to a well built road is to keep water off of it. Water is the enemy!!! hahahaha

   / First big Project
  • Thread Starter
VABlue said:
Good job! Was all of that road done with the loader and backhoe, or did you use something else?

I did the entire thing with the loader and backhoe. I'd back in, loosen up the dirt, then scoop it out.

Thanks for the tips Eddie. I didn't do a crown, but thinking about possible water problems, I pitched the road toward the pond abit. There are natural springs that come alive after a hard rain in that bank next to the road so I angled it to runoff into the pond.