Good morning!!!!

   / Good morning!!!! #3,671  
And a cranky old F A R T!

Don't you guys realize and appreciate all the effort and training someone like me has exercised just to learn how to be a grumpy, cranky old fart? Not something you can learn overnight and it takes a lot of practice and it can often be a trial and error process. :laughing: Hey is my being cranky any different from your rant about personal property taxes?

48 degrees here, going to be another beautiful day. I was working in the garden yesterday afternoon and the neighbor's 4 year boy came over, I asked if he would help me dig holes for the tomato sets, he earned 25 cents for each one...told him that when he gets to be a union member the rate doubles. Just hope he doesn't come over and start digging at random hoping to make more $$$.
   / Good morning!!!! #3,672  
Good coffee, beautiful morning...too bad I am at work. :)
   / Good morning!!!! #3,673  
2012-06-06, 0726

51 degrees here and very pleasant. A high of 73 predicted...overcast and showers...
Like MossflowerWoods, the last few days have been great with the windows open...very pleasant sleeping.
   / Good morning!!!! #3,674  
Sweatshirt weather again, 53 going to 73, 92 by Sunday. I'm an old northeastern NC boy so 90/90 weather doesn't really bother me, but as I get older I don't mind a few cool ones either.:thumbsup:

JD, you know we love you even though you're a PITA, we'd love you if you weren't, in fact we'd actually like you if you weren't!! :D
It's funny, having spent time in Michigan several times on trips to the Woodward Dream Cruise, I find Michigander's the most friendly non southerners in the country. When we were there everyone in restaurants, hotels and stores were nice and interested in where we were from, our car, etc... We were there when the power outage struck the northeast in 2003, one asst manager opened her Bennigan's and sold cold cuts, drinks, etc.... by candle light. One guy brought in a gas powered pump and opened his gas station only to out of state people needing to go home, etc...
So I'm a fan of Michigan folks! Just keep Detroiter's in Detroit. :D
   / Good morning!!!!
  • Thread Starter
Morning all!! Got real busy yesterday, didn't get on here. Hope the vacuum kid is ok? Ron, best wishes on the wife's knee surgery. Another day working on my wife's shop, took the TV anntennae off yesterday. The older I get, the less I like roofs. Need my coffee, so I gotta go.
   / Good morning!!!! #3,676  
A cool 49 degrees here with light rain. Thank you Mother Nature for taking care of one chore - watering the new flower beds. Forecast shows that the rain should end by about 11 am. I'll tackle a few inside shores until then.

Yesterday, with the help of my friend DJ we got the equipment shed reorganized and cleaned up. So nice to have it orderly and logical, be able to find and get to just what I need because it's in the right place.

The foster dogs are all done with their quarantine period so I'll be able to let them interact, see how they are around other dogs, cats, etc. It will be good to get Ziggy, the young shepherd pup, out to the pasture on a long lunge line to run off some of his pent up energy. Then he will hopefully be able to concentrate and we can work on some basic training and manners.

Over the weekend I'd picked out a 12 ft red maple at the nursery but had not brought it home yet, too big to fit in the Suburban. DJ reminded me that they are poisonous to horses so I will go back and pick out something else to plant in the front of the house for much needed shade. Suggestions welcome. I need something that won't get more than about 50 ft tall/wide when mature.

Hope you all have some productive fun today.
   / Good morning!!!! #3,677  
It was a chilly 48 degrees here when I woke up about an hour ago and it's already up to 55 .... so it looks to be warming up fairly quickly.

The high is supposed to be around 73 and sunny - and it looks like it may actually happen (unlike yesterday) - which will be great working weather.

Yesterday I fetched the oldest son's "boombox" radio from the shop and brought it down to the barn .... tuned it to "talk radio" and left it on .... if that don't drive the coons out, I don't imagine anything will ....

I also managed to get quite a bit done on removing the drop off and grading out the slope behind barn ....

I have a hydraulic sidelink I picked up 3 or 4 years ago that I had started to prep to paint Kubota ROPS gray and never did get it painted .... since I'm doing alot of grading at this point, I may see if I have the fittings and hoses up in the shed and can hook that up and throw it on .... might be handy ....


Glad to hear your wife's surgery went well - wishing you all the best.
   / Good morning!!!! #3,678  
well 51 here now pooring down rain no out door work today gotta run to town and search craigs list later everyone have a great day.
   / Good morning!!!! #3,679  
Good morning! A brisk 54* with the high of only 74. Excellent weather for outdoor chores as long as the rain holds off. Nice to be able to wear a long sleeved shirt while using the weed eater as I hit the occasional patch of poison ivy:(.
Odd that Jamie hasn't checked in for a while. Hope all is well across the pond. Same with Gizmo. Maybe they are just busy with other pursuits and will check in later.
   / Good morning!!!! #3,680  
Odd that Jamie hasn't checked in for a while. Hope all is well across the pond. Same with Gizmo. Maybe they are just busy with other pursuits and will check in later.

If you recall, he had computer problems a few months back...likely it's the same thing now.