Good morning!!!!

   / Good morning!!!! #8,031  
Top - not the group, just a rolling a stone.

Sodamo, up North a bad day is below 0˚, here in the South it's a day above 110˚, what is a bad day on the Big Island?

Hey Don
Have to think about this. Our lowest temp here at the house was 58F one morning. Of course it still made to mid 70's that day.
Likely 2 choices for bad.
1 would be if the winds shift right and we get extremely heavy VOG (like fog except from the volcano). Not only do we lose the view but headache and hard to breathe.
2 would be periods of continuous rain during a period of trying to get something done. When doing our swimming pool we had to schedule the concrete pour 3 times. Of course, it usually has good periods in between as it takes a few days between scheduling.
Other than that, can't think of there being a really bad day weather related. I grew up in Maine and lived a few other states, so I know about n'reasters, blizzards, hurricanes, freezing my *** off, oppressive heat/humidity, black ice, etc.

A couple years ago (2008?) besides the volcano going off, a number of reported earthquakes, a hurricane warning, a minor tsumani from one of the quakes, and a couple of wild fires on the Kona side all the same week, I like to remind folks that even with all that not one person died as a result - so not so bad. :)

Life is good
   / Good morning!!!! #8,032  
Cloudy with a chance of showers and a high of 5C/41F.
Had a faller in yesterday to take down a couple of large firs that were close to some buildings. Had a couple of branches break off during windstorms in the past few months, they were about 4 inches in diameter and landed on the roof, lucky no damage from that. As well they leaned the wrong way so if they came down the building would be flattened. The bigger fir was about 3 feet in diameter at the butt and about 100 ft tall.
As least I am getting more firewood out of it than I paid the faller. :licking: :D
   / Good morning!!!! #8,033  
Good afternoon all. 50F this morning currently 74F and sunny. cool-off and warmup this week so roller coaster temps continue.
   / Good morning!!!! #8,034  
Well it did get to 73F out today. Though it's windy but at least it's not a freezing wind. I welcome this warm weather. If the forecast is right it's supposed to stay in the 58F and 60F range for the first week of February.

I sure hope they are right as I hate cold weather. lol

   / Good morning!!!! #8,035  
Sodamo - 8:30 PM - 72˚ and humid feels like the Big Island. Thanks for the info on a "bad day".
   / Good morning!!!! #8,036  
2012-01-29, 0430

16 degrees out right now!! Feels balmy!!
A high of 36 predicted and a heat wave (52 degrees) on Wednesday.
   / Good morning!!!! #8,037  
45 and foggy here. Headed to a meeting in Columbia MD so I'm on the road ALL DAY...

Supposed to hit 65 today and 69-70 tomorow!

What happened to winter?

Be well all,
   / Good morning!!!! #8,038  
wow 48 degree's this morning headed to 65 today supose to be 70 wensday and snow thrusday with high temp in 30's what a change. of course they always say if you don't like the weather here just hang around a hour or so and it will change.hope everyone has a great day
   / Good morning!!!! #8,039  
Drinking iced coffee this morning. 73 degrees with winds and clouds. Heading to 91 with sun and winds. Winds have been blowing all night. Got the AC set to come on when it hits 80. Don't know if I should be complaining or not. 90's even in south TX in January will be a record. Dog does not even want to go on our daily walks.
Good Morning All.
   / Good morning!!!! #8,040  
20F Cloudy 4"new fallen snow to clean up this evening, upper 30s for temps :) with rain/showers late evening on/off Wednesday :( but highs in 50's :)

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