Good morning!!!!

   / Good morning!!!!
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I am really sorry to hear that you need chemo. Not a prayer warrior guy, but you do have our prayers.
As for your neighbor, those little guys get into your heart, for sure.
   / Good morning!!!!
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Be careful, some of the ladders have a low load limit of 200#. (it was yellow - the orange ones are heavier). I also bought a hammock that had a 150# limit - How many adult males weigh less than 150#? I guess the people in China are smaller.

60's to the 80's, bright sunny day. I'm walking - in the A.M without crutches. Now when I'm out with my dog we are called Whipper and Limper.

I bought a aluminium Werner rated at #225. I wanted something lighter. This one has 3 stages, instead of 2. 24 ft long. I think it will work out fine!
   / Good morning!!!! #15,023  
Jim, I hope all goes well with your treatment. And that was a good thing you did for your neighbor. When Cedar, our Chow died about 7 or 8 years ago, we planted a red cedar tree over her grave. Every morning when I go out to pet Mocha, our Chocolate Lab, I see the Cedar tree just over the backyard fence. It is just about as tall as the longleaf pines now.

2020, clear, 63* with 90% humidity. Forecast low of 59*. I'm upstairs in the media room watching preseason basketball and postseason baseball. {with the windows open and the fans on} I must be getting old. Tim Hardaway Jr is playing for the Nicks this year. I remember when his daddy was in school.

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   / Good morning!!!! #15,024  
Jim, you are a good man. When my Golden R. passed away, my contractor still had his TLB still here. I think it was a Ford 555?
Anyway, he had to drive over here in his little truck and dig a big hole for me in a drizzling rain. I gave him $75 for his troubles.
   / Good morning!!!! #15,025  
51 this morning light rain 70 percent chance of rain all day high of only 60. We are under the influences of a coastal low thru Friday. Sure puts a damper on work. Will take care of some busy work. Good Morning
   / Good morning!!!! #15,026  
38 degrees this morning and mostly cloudy all day.
Temps heading up into the low 60's.
   / Good morning!!!! #15,027  
Good morning! ...after a bad night...

52F right now. Cloudy and some rain maybe.

Last night was spent being reminded of something I once heard that struck me as funny...

"That was THE MOST futile effort in turd-polishing since the day Adolf ****** stood looking in the mirror and thought "Gee, maybe the chicks would dig me more if I grew a tiny little moustache!"
   / Good morning!!!! #15,028  
good morning 37 degrees now mid 60's for today 20 percent chance of rain . everyone have a great day
   / Good morning!!!! #15,029  
Top of the morning to all, 48 here, going to be another beautiful day as it is heading to 70.:thumbsup:
   / Good morning!!!! #15,030  
woke up to a nice gentle rain, which appears to want to stick around for a day or two.
Like Buppies, heading for the garage to do inside stuff.
One last picture of vegetables folk, the Last of the Mohicans from the garden.
We are going to have a multi year supply of pepper relish for sure.


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