Gov't mandates gas can flame arrestors.

   / Gov't mandates gas can flame arrestors. #291  
The few times I've filled a drum at gas station I haven't had a problem, they do all have signs that portable cans are to be filled on the ground.
Yep. That and the one about unauthorized containers.
   / Gov't mandates gas can flame arrestors. #294  
I get the frustration with the newer gas cans. Pain in the arse. But the comparison with Fentanyl is illogical. Gas cans are a manufactured product, and like all products in the US, are subject to safety review. The fentanyl crossing the border is not a product subject to US laws. And "sealing the border" sounds great, but will never happen. Walls or no walls, it will always be permeable. Our US ports only inspect a tiny minority of the shipping containers that arrive here everyday. If not in backpack, it will just come in a metal box.

Doesn't matter whether it's lead in dishware or faulty electrical products or gas cans. Once the hazard has been identified, it's morally correct to at least try to remedy it. The problem isn't government bureaucracy, it's the individual who injures himself with a product, and rather than accepting responsibility for his stupidity or recklessness, wants to blame the manufacturer of the product. Both government and industry has no choice but to make things safer. Those of you who have re-engineered your cans to bypass the safety feature (including me) are also the guys who would take ownership if something went wrong, and not look for someone else to blame if you injured yourself. You're right, stupidity will always exist, and it can't be engineered or legislated away. Chainsaws and tractors will always be dangerous no matter what we do to improve them. But some changes we all can agree are just sensible (like ROPS). What needs to change is an enduring sense of personal responsibility and common sense.
   / Gov't mandates gas can flame arrestors. #295  
While most of us can agree that ROPS is a good idea, it and any other safety device should not be mandatory. I don't have a problem with the government recommending a device, but mandates can easily be turned into political or financial opportunities that have zero to do with keeping anyone safe. If a device actually works, people will buy it and pay extra as long as the extra is within reason...of course, the market being the best arbiter of price, equilibrium will occur and shift as needed.
   / Gov't mandates gas can flame arrestors. #296  
No issues with any of my Eagles and my 'spring loaded lids' all lock back. Only for gas as all my diesel comes from the bulk tank

You get what you pay for. Cheap poly cans are just that. Cheap.
   / Gov't mandates gas can flame arrestors. #297  
I have poly gas containers I bought for Y2K still in use. Like them a lot more than the newer ones. I was going to "upgrade" but think I will keep them. I know they are an accident waiting to happen but will roll the dice.

Sometimes it is hard to see the level in them. Was going to use my lighter to see down the spout better but this little voice said..."Are you a dufus?" I learned to listen to that little voice as it has a lot of common sense.
   / Gov't mandates gas can flame arrestors. #298  
While most of us can agree that ROPS is a good idea, it and any other safety device should not be mandatory. I don't have a problem with the government recommending a device, but mandates can easily be turned into political or financial opportunities that have zero to do with keeping anyone safe. If a device actually works, people will buy it and pay extra as long as the extra is within reason...of course, the market being the best arbiter of price, equilibrium will occur and shift as needed.
While I certainly agree with you in theory, the idiots who do successfully or unsuccessfully sue the manufacturers cost the manufacturer's money which in turn gets passed on to us the consumers so we end up paying for their stupidity. Then those same idiots use the local state Medicaid and go on disability for their injury and again we as the taxpayers end up footing the bill.

I am very much anti-nanny state and like most of the folks here these types of laws are bad for our collective blood pressure. Don't know what a good solution is, maybe more robust protection for manufacturers from idiot misuse of their products
   / Gov't mandates gas can flame arrestors. #299  
Like others iv had to buy cans ..then buy necks cause the fancy valves don't work..

I'm good with suggestions but don't force it down my throat

Lastly get rid of ambulance chasing lawyers, and the jury's that award the BS lawsuits..

   / Gov't mandates gas can flame arrestors. #300  
A lot of negative knee-jerk responses. I was about seven or eight years old 1968, I set my pants on fire messing around with gasoline. I didn’t get any burns or scars, but a kid that lived right down the road from me had nasty visible scars on his neck and arm and I assume his torso. So you’re saying children should be thinned from the gene pool.

Well, you weren't born knowing it all like the heroes here, clearly weak genes that should have been purged.

I'm glad you didn't get burned though. Mostly I'm glad because it was 1968 I didn't have to contribute $0.05 more for a gas can to give you dramatically better chances of not getting burned, if that was why I'd be significantly less glad about it.

Anyway, somehow I'm definitely a victim in all of this. I miss the gold old days, when a chainsaw would kick back and take half your face off, like God intended. I love my neighbor as I love myself, unless my neighbor happens not to know any better then I'm high-fiving Darwin all the way to the water-cooler story bank!