I built a double claw grapple onto a Bobcat LoPro bucket. It works very well and has hundreds of hours of hard use under it's belt.
As I've stated earlier, I'm totally a practical application guy. Your approach is over my comprehension level. So I design by the desired end result. In my case I wanted a large opening. That created the position of my cylinders. I had no idea how much bite force I was going to have until I put it into action. I don't need more force. I'm just a bit disappointed that my design doesn't score any higher.
I struggled a lot with position of the cylinder tabs. Tack welded, cut loose, moved, tack welded, many times to get where I ended up. When fully open and rolled back my claws parallel my FEL frame and curl cylinders so I couldn't open any wider. This "big mouth" design gives me the ability to push loose brush up in a pile, then roll the grapple forward until the claws span most of the pile. Clamp, compress and pick up a huge pile of brush. In the other side I have ability to clamp onto thin material such as plate steel, steel fence posts, or whatever.
Still, just disappointed in my force numbers..... :ashamed: