headlamp for F16D?

   / headlamp for F16D? #1  

Anonymous Poster

New member
Sep 27, 2005
I bought my first Yanmar today. Its been a goal for a long time. An F16D. Good shape, good price and a reputable small dealer. There are some experts here that have been very helpful in making a decision. Thank-you.

The dealer I bought it from is having a hard time getting a new headlamp housing for it. Its headlamp's work but the housing is rusted on the bottom. Come to think of it I have seen a lot of the small grey market yanmars with rusted headlamp housings. Does anyone know how to get the headlamp assy. for a F16D?
   / headlamp for F16D? #2  
Congradts on your new purchase...

Post us a picture and we would all enjoy hearing more about it, how many hours and what kind of deal did you get?


Don't forget to register....
   / headlamp for F16D? #3  

I am newly registered but for some reason it did show on this first post. It has worked on more recent posts.

Dad and I had always talked about getting one. He's gone now but he would really like it. 980 hours, out the door at $4600 with a 52" yanmar tiller attached plus the 3 point arms to go with other attachments. Everything works fine. Could not pass it up. Now I need to learn how to prepare a field for planting clover. I think I shoud disc first,...is that correct? As mad Jack would say 'what a greenhorn, eh?'

I hope the classified comes on line soon.
   / headlamp for F16D? #4  
I can probably get you a headlight. There are a couple of ways to plant clover. It can be sown on top of the ground in the winter in freezing climates. The freezing & thawing will plant it. Or you can disk & drag the ground. Once you have a fine seed bedm the seed can be broadcast seeded.The best way is to roll it or it can drug in. The seed doesn't need to be buried . It just needs good soil to seed contact.