help a city girl burn brush!

   / help a city girl burn brush! #11  
I like to use diesel. I also use a couple of those long-burning fake wood logs that you buy at the store, and just light the bag.... It helps get it started and keeps it going.
   / help a city girl burn brush! #12  
The same thing I use for starting wood stove fires works great for brush. Either a small bag of potato chips or Diamond Strike a Fire fire starter sticks. I never have to use any liquid petroleum products with these two fire starters. I also wait at least a year to burn the pile. I never burn w/o a permit and always have a water source available.

I never heard of that! You learn something new every day :D
   / help a city girl burn brush! #14  
I applaud your facilities efforts to educate. I am not sure where you are located but in Georgia the forest service not only encourages controlled burns, they will assist. They are also the ones that respond to out of control burns. I would think your states forest service might be a good source of information.

   / help a city girl burn brush! #16  
CompactTractorFan said:

You underestimate the amount of oil that just a small bag of potato chips contains. Just one match to the bag and the whole thing turns into a stinky oil dripping chip inferno. A single Frito "chip" burns long and hot for a good minute.
Also old microwave popcorn works even better as a fire starter.

To the OP, tightly rolled up newspaper with some used engine oil on the end works great. Then just light and toss on the middle of the pile or to be more safe just stick it at the base of the pile and light. The way I use the most often is taking my big propane torch to the pile so no liquid fuels to get on me or anywhere else I don't want on fire.

It doesn't matter what your burning, always always always have a buddy with you; you just never know what could happen.
   / help a city girl burn brush! #17  
$4.00 a gallon for gasoline, and folks are using it to burn brush? :confused:
   / help a city girl burn brush! #18  
I have worked as a Firefighter for 28 years, a few points.

1 Gasoline is made to be a motor fuel only ANY other use is extremely dangerous.

2 open burning is regulated in most states & should be done in accordance with state and local regulations.

3 There are many people who don't know the difference between a good day to burn and a dangerous day to burn.
   / help a city girl burn brush!
  • Thread Starter
You guys are amazing! I had no idea there were even other ways to burn other than gasoline! I kid you not we see probably 1-2 a month 65+ years old throwing gas on fires. Unfortunately, they can't move as fast as they used to and Diabetes and Peripheral Vascular disease cause them to have decrease sensation and they do not realize they are on fire until it is REALLY bad.
I like the idea of talking to a park ranger or something and seeing what they have to say. I live in Missouri, we have TONS of parks surely someone has some information.
I can't beleive the overwhelming shows me people really care about this!
Thanks for your effort in saving lives!
   / help a city girl burn brush! #20  
I would suggest that you contact some local farmers or ranchers and see it they will allow you to come watch some burns... Get with your local Agriculture agent or maybe the county fire marshal both could help

99% of the time I use old feed sacks to start the fire.