Hernia surgery with new tractor on it's way :(

   / Hernia surgery with new tractor on it's way :( #31  
I had two surgeries for hernias, one to tighten up the muscles in my stomach which required cutting from belly button to breast bone(not sure what that one was called) and a couple years later umbilical (belly button) where a mesh was implanted.
The umbilical was a piece of cake and I had the surgery one day and went back to work (office work) the next day. Neither one kept me from work for more than a couple of days although I was cautioned not to try to lift more than 5 pounds..You don't have to worry about that, your body will sure tell you when something is too heavy. My hardest thing to do after they cut my stomach muscles open was getting out of bed the morning after the surgery and the next hardest was trying to have a bowel movement.:laughing: I had the surgery on Friday and went to work on Monday but very cautiously in walking and other movement.
I guess mostly it depends on your pain threshold as to what you can do. Climbing up on a tractor might be a bit much for a day or two and definitely not going to be bouncing around on it while driving on anything other than pavement.
   / Hernia surgery with new tractor on it's way :( #32  
I've had a number of surgerys through the years - mostly sports related stuff, and until the hernia surgery I'd say they were more uncomfortable than hugely painful. The hernia repair with mesh on the lower left abdomen was the exception. Very painful, and still hurts months later except for an area about the size of my spread hand where there is no feeling at all. I think I could get up on the tractor now, but haven't tried. The doc says most patients walk out the same day. So most of these tales sound familiar.

I had the same experience as you and still have some discomfort off and on. My surgery was 3 years ago. Doc acts like he doesn't believe me so I guess all the malpractice lawyers has him scared. It is getting less frequent so hopefully one day it will cease.
   / Hernia surgery with new tractor on it's way :( #33  
I've had a number of surgerys through the years - mostly sports related stuff, and until the hernia surgery I'd say they were more uncomfortable than hugely painful. The hernia repair with mesh on the lower left abdomen was the exception. Very painful, and still hurts months later except for an area about the size of my spread hand where there is no feeling at all. I think I could get up on the tractor now, but haven't tried. The doc says most patients walk out the same day. So most of these tales sound familiar.

Within a month to month and a half of my hernia surgery putting in a mesh on the lower right I could not even tell that I had surgery other than the scar. Mine was considered large. I guess I was lucky or had a good doctor. Good medical is one thing this area is know for.
   / Hernia surgery with new tractor on it's way :(
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4 years ago I have a lower left side hernia. Very large. 8.5 inch scar. I was very fortunate. That Dr was a retiring family friend who is second to none. I laid me up for longer than I wanted but I am totally pain free. Nothing. Hernia was larger than an apple. This hernia operation I just had was minor in size compared to that. I thought this one would be like my buddy who got his gall bladder out and in a week was pretty much fine. Yesterday I told my Dr. that and he had almost uncontrollable laughter that I thought the two would be near the same. I did ask him why he gave me so few pain pills. His answer "I know you have a new tractor coming and I know you. Pain will stop you from being stupid" :)
   / Hernia surgery with new tractor on it's way :( #35  
I was going to stay out of this until the last post!! No hernia surgery here (THANK you, Lord!!), but in 09 I ruptured 3 disks. One of the ruptures was pressing on the sciatic nerve. I had sciatica for years, but it went away after 3-5 days. they finally did surgery, and put me on Oxycontin for 2 weeks.

The doctor said that I could do what I wanted, the pain would take care of it!!!!

3 days after surgery, my son comes screaming out of the house asking me what I was doing! My tires needed rotating on my truck says I!

I got the tires rotated anyway, but for some reason, did not feel like doing much the rest of the day.

Go figure!

With that said, I agree that you should listen to your doctor. :duh:

   / Hernia surgery with new tractor on it's way :(
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New tractor is here. I have been in it but that is about it. My guy is putting my snowblower on it right now doing the wiring. I will be back on it here shortly but not for long. I seem to like pain less as I get older....