HST filter popping

   / HST filter popping #1  


New member
Nov 29, 2011
Okay I'm at a loss. I have a BX1500 that I changed the HST transmission. I had the old tranny out previously to change the forward/reverse relief valves. I change the transmission, put everything back together. Start the engine and the hst filter starts to leak. I tightened it and then it blows apart. Replaced it and started the motor 5 seconds later the replacement filter pops. Whats the problem?

Thanks for your advice and opinions.
   / HST filter popping
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Ideas, anyone?
   / HST filter popping #3  
The relief valve for the HST charge pump is not set properly or the tranny was assembled incorrectly not allowing the oil to flow through the filter.

Either way do NOT try and run the unit until you get it fixed or you will destroy the new HST.