I got the Covid

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   / I got the Covid #1  


Epic Contributor
May 26, 2003
Tyler, Texas
Several, all used and abused.
Just received the phone call and it's official. I did the nasal swab last Friday. It wasn't too bad, but it's not something that I want to do again. They only tested me, even though my wife was in the car with me. They came out to the car and the RN did it all through the window with me sitting in the passenger seat. They took pictures of my ID and insurance card. They asked permission to sign my name on the documents. I never touched anything except the swab that went up my nostril.

My first symptom was last Monday, when I was working on a clients attic and every time I walked by their dryer vent, I thought the smell of their laundry detergent would make me pass out. It made my eyes water, my throat gag, and I felt light headed. It only happened while I walked by the vent, otherwise I felt fine. It was very odd, but I never thought it was a symptom of Covid.

The next morning I woke up feeling week, but I thought it was from going up and down the attic stairs so many times. Wore out from a good workout. As I drank my morning coffee with every intention of going to work, my wife said that my color was off and that I looked sick. I didn't feel sick, but she is a RN with a PhD in nursing, so I do what she says. I called my client and told them that I wasn't feeling well. They are both medical doctors and agreed that I should stay home. Later that day I started to feel off. A little achy and then a fever of 99.7

Tylenol took care of the fever, but then I developed random, moving around, severe skin irritation. It would be on my legs, then my arms, then my back, or my feet or even my ears. I never got diarrhea, or a runny nose, shortness of breath or a bad cough, or anything flu like. It's all a bunch of weird stuff that leaves me worn out.

A couple days later my wife started to feel some of the symptoms. Since she had Colon Cancer 3 years ago, and she has asthma, it seems to have gotten into her lungs more then me. In fact, all of her symptoms are different then mine. What is the same is how it comes and goes. It's like a wave, when you feel wore out, and then you start feeling better again. We have been working around the good and bad parts of the wave to take care of the animals, get firewood, eat, clean house, and then just sit in front of the TV, sleep, and surf the web. When a bad spell hits, I just sit on the sofa and wait it out.

Treatment is Tylenol. We're told that if we get worse, then we can come in to the Emergency. Otherwise, we just wait it out and self quarantine.
   / I got the Covid #2  
Just received the phone call and it's official. I did the nasal swab last Friday. It wasn't too bad, but it's not something that I want to do again. They only tested me, even though my wife was in the car with me. They came out to the car and the RN did it all through the window with me sitting in the passenger seat. They took pictures of my ID and insurance card. They asked permission to sign my name on the documents. I never touched anything except the swab that went up my nostril.

My first symptom was last Monday, when I was working on a clients attic and every time I walked by their dryer vent, I thought the smell of their laundry detergent would make me pass out. It made my eyes water, my throat gag, and I felt light headed. It only happened while I walked by the vent, otherwise I felt fine. It was very odd, but I never thought it was a symptom of Covid.

The next morning I woke up feeling week, but I thought it was from going up and down the attic stairs so many times. Wore out from a good workout. As I drank my morning coffee with every intention of going to work, my wife said that my color was off and that I looked sick. I didn't feel sick, but she is a RN with a PhD in nursing, so I do what she says. I called my client and told them that I wasn't feeling well. They are both medical doctors and agreed that I should stay home. Later that day I started to feel off. A little achy and then a fever of 99.7

Tylenol took care of the fever, but then I developed random, moving around, severe skin irritation. It would be on my legs, then my arms, then my back, or my feet or even my ears. I never got diarrhea, or a runny nose, shortness of breath or a bad cough, or anything flu like. It's all a bunch of weird stuff that leaves me worn out.

A couple days later my wife started to feel some of the symptoms. Since she had Colon Cancer 3 years ago, and she has asthma, it seems to have gotten into her lungs more then me. In fact, all of her symptoms are different then mine. What is the same is how it comes and goes. It's like a wave, when you feel wore out, and then you start feeling better again. We have been working around the good and bad parts of the wave to take care of the animals, get firewood, eat, clean house, and then just sit in front of the TV, sleep, and surf the web. When a bad spell hits, I just sit on the sofa and wait it out.

Treatment is Tylenol. We're told that if we get worse, then we can come in to the Emergency. Otherwise, we just wait it out and self quarantine.

Wish you the best Eddie.
   / I got the Covid #3  
Hoping for a quick recovery for both of you.

   / I got the Covid #4  
Praying for a mild case for you and your wife.
   / I got the Covid #5  
Hope you get better soon...
   / I got the Covid #6  
Best wishes for the both of you! Take care.
   / I got the Covid #7  
Wishing you well too. I got it near June. Wife is a frontline worker and despite all the protection that would make the hardiest critic proud, she still got it & brought it home. Mild symptoms but got through it quickly. She’s going to take the vaccination soon.
   / I got the Covid #8  
We're pulling hard for you Eddie.
   / I got the Covid #9  
Best wishes for a speedy and complete recoveries ... :thumbsup:
   / I got the Covid
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Thank you for the well wishes.

I just wanted to share what's happening out of boredom and maybe hearing about some of your experiences. I've been going through a lot of youtube and watching more TV in the last week then I have in the last six months. I tire quickly, but if I'm not doing anything, I feel pretty good. Just getting frustrated in not getting anything done. It's extra bad today with temps in the high 60's
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